Made a poor choice at the bow shop


Nov 21, 2018
West Coast
First off I have to say I’m a Mathews guy. Shot all the bows this year and just can’t get away from the Mathews feel. Been shooting v3x for 3 years. Shoot it well. Went down to the bowshop after my Saturday school for the apprenticeship. Shot a lift x setup how I like my hunting rig. 28” at 76lb. I try not to buy into the hype but the difference was pretty crazy. The draw cycle is drastically better. Holds incredible. Completely dead in hand after the shot. I guess I have 3 more years of carrying a boat anchor around the mountains again lol.
The lift is lighter threw the v3x so that’s better haha. I also picked up a lift this year and the new over priced sight. Shoots great.

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My Halon 32 is still going strong, but I'd like to eventually upgrade. My brother in law typically shoots Hoyt, but he went with the Lift this year. Seems like a great bow!
I'm pretty you're one of THOUSANDS who's been seduced by that Lift X! Rest assured you're in good company. . . not many can walk away from that thing ;)
Where is the poor choice? Seems like a great choice I made the same great choice and got the lift X but did not get there sight or stabs. Got the boonie with a UV3XL 3 pin on it and the DoArchery bridge lock stab

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