LR Scope?

I've got a Huskemaw 5-20. The turrets are burnt for your specific load and your atmospheric conditions, so it's not a "round about" number on your turret. It's precise and it's for your gun and load. Plus the windage on their turret is patented and super simple to use. Basically all of the data you find on your ballistics program is etched into your turret, so you only need a rangefinder.

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Absolute fastest out to around 600 is a bdc reticle. Most precise is a ballistic app and dialing in for EXACT conditions. The best compromise and my personal choice for hunting is a turret set up for approx hunting conditions and ranging then dialing to a yardage. Works great out to about 1000 depending on your set up. I use CTS tapes on my rifles. As for MIL/MOA stick with a scope that has both the same. For example MOA hash marks in reticle and MOA scope adjustments. Makes life easier that way with no conversions needed and MOA is simpler for most people to understand. Whatever you choose actually go out and practice and shoot to verify your data so you know what exactly your gun is doing and if you have to massage any numbers in the ballistic apps for everything to work out.
I have a browning 300 win mag Xbolt with break. I installed a Vortex PST 6x24 x 50 with MOA reticle.
I built a dope up for my hslr 4x16 and it works perfect.

You just dial in what you have validated at the range.
You just get the targets set at 5,6,7,8,9 and 1000 yds.
Then write down the MOA clicks for each yardage and create your own DOPE disk and tape it into the scope lid- done

Sight in at 100 or 200 and go from there. I'm set at 100, cause with my 6x24 scope I can dial out past 1500 if needed with the right ammo.
The difference between 80 degrees to 30 degrees + 1000 ft elevation to 10,000 ft elevation for my .300 WM shooting 215 Bergers is about .5 minute of angle. At 600 yards that equates to 20 inches of difference. Better have a big target or alot of luck.

I agree with some of your post though, but at the end of the day, long range shooting has to be precise whether that comes from a software program or taped drops on your stock based on the elevation and mean temp where you are hunting, it doesn't really matter. Have to be ethical when choosing to shoot long range (which I have tons of practice at the range with but have never taken anything past 500 yards with my rifle, so not trying to act as an expert here) but 21 inch difference leaves much to be desired.

gelton - IMO your comments are some of the best posted on this forum, just too bad not enough "L R Shooters" will pay attention to them
I've got a Huskemaw 5-20. The turrets are burnt for your specific load and your atmospheric conditions, so it's not a "round about" number on your turret. It's precise and it's for your gun and load. Plus the windage on their turret is patented and super simple to use. Basically all of the data you find on your ballistics program is etched into your turret, so you only need a rangefinder.

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to have elevation and temp data on it must make the turret fairly cumbersome ?
to have elevation and temp data on it must make the turret fairly cumbersome ?

Not cumbersome at all. They burn them at the temperature and elevation that you tell them to. That way it's all on the turret and besides a rangefinder and wind meter there are no electronics needed. The turret isn't cluttered either if that's what you were meaning.

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I think the quick CDS dial for a 600 yard shot where an animal is only out in the open for a short time is better than pulling out my phone and shit. I need to dial quick and then spend time setting up for the shot.

I personally do not like taking a "quick" 600 yard shot. I have everything entered I'm my ballistic app usually before I even get to my shot sequence, due to I setup overlooking a clearing as if "stand hunting." Usually i cam have everything but yardage in as lomg as the wind is constant. Adding station pressure, look angle, wind and yardage takes about 15 seconds. If I don't have time to do that and make a good clean kill I'm not taking the shot.

As said above for most hunting situations a cds works fine. For closer shots to 500 or so you can print out a dope chart and it just takes a second or two to look at on the side of your rifle. Again though the whole reason long range is as possible as it is now days is due to the advancements in technology. If you are using a precise device you aren't using everything to its full potential.

If you are shooting a rifle that shoots .5 moa and because of the difference in elevation in your turret at 600 at is .5 now you are looking at a 1moa (6") group before you even take in to account shooting in a hunting situation. Figure a little bit of bad technique because you are a little excited and now you might be looking at a little bigger group still.

Will a CDS work? You better believe it. It works the best if you sight in and constantly practice at 6000ft and 45 degrees and thats all you ever shoot. I live at close to sea level where it could be 100 degrees or 30 and shoot anywhere from there to 10,000+ feet.

Is a CDS the most precise tool out there? No

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Guys that are hunting huge elevation and temperature swings that want to run a custom turret should really look into the CTS system tapes. MUCH cheaper than getting new turrets cut. Last time I ordered it was around $24 for (4) tapes. You can also set them up however you want and customize everything on them. I always set mine up with MOA marks on the bottom for dialing using software, yardage marks out past 1000yds and corresponding wind holds for 10mph. Whatever you do accurate shooting data is the most critical. You cant look at your box of corelokts, go off the printed velocity and order a turret, doesn't work that way. You actually have to go out and see what YOUR rifle, YOUR loads, and YOUR scope are doing way out there. A lot of bullet manufactures inflate BC, chronographs can lie and scopes dont always track like they should.
Ballistic turrets are a waste out west IMO. I would rather use MOA or Mils. Then use a redneck BT like this when I have time.
Redneck CDs all the way!!! Wait till the night before the opener to see what the weather will do then get out the tape. I only make mine to 500-600 after that there is too many variables I'd rather fine tune the data

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Another thing to keep in mind with the CDs type turrets that have a wind value etched on them is that wind value is only correct at that set of condition. Temp and pressure also affect wind correction values.