Lowa Tibets on Sale

Mar 27, 2012
Eau Claire, WI
I just ordered a pair of Lowa tibets off shoebuy.com

They have 25% off for fathers day: coupon code EMLSURPRISE25

If you sign up or are first time buyer you get them additional 5% off.

My total was around $250. No tax, free shipping.

I am cancelling my my Cabelas/Meindel Alaskans which are on back order until mid July. (They were out of my size in the store).

I have never used either a Meidel or Lowa boot. Do you think the Lowa is a better purchase than the Meindel. I actually will get the LOWAs for a cheaper price than the Meindels at Cabelas.
I should add that I have also ordered a pair of Kennetrek Mountain extreme 400. These are insulated boots I'll try and use for the LATE season. I am buying the above LOWAs (uninsulated) for EARLY season.
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I can't speak to the Lowas, but I have twoMeidl models: Alaska Hikers and the Perfekts. Honestly I like the Petfekts better for my feet. The heel cup is pretty tight on the Alaskans.
I tried the Alaskan and the Canada models. The Alaskans fit like Hanwags on me while the Canada's were similar to lowas.

Lowas fit me best. I now have the ranger, Tibet, and sheephunter.

I'd take lowa over meindl, but both are very good.
I have the Lowa Timoks and Lowa Hunters and love them. The Timoks are similar to the Tibets, but have a cordura tongue for breathability. I bought them just last month for $150. Lowa uses polyurethane midsoles so they last longer than an EVA midsole which Kenetrek boots have and most of meindl's boots. Eva is a little softer and lighter though, so its a trade off.