Low Maintenance Euro?


May 27, 2019
Shot a Javelina yesterday and looking to do a Euro on it.

I've boiled/simmered an elk before and that was a pain. If I'm not in a hurry is there an easier way that doesn't requiring standing over a nearly boiling pot for awhile? Put it in a plastic tote with some sort of cleaner mixture? Other?

Local options are $300 which seems high for a euro but maybe that's what people want these days?
Not sure about down your way, but on the west coast you can put the head in a crab pot and drop it onto swarm of sand fleas for a free cleaning.

Other than that, I would say boiling is pretty low maintenance already. I would not stand over the boiling pot - just let it cook.
Some guys use a dedicated Sous vide cooker in a tub of water and dawn dish soap. The hard thing the javelina will be the degrease process, will take a lot longer than deer and elk.
I tried boiling one and it came out pretty yellow from the grease and I couldn’t get it out. Next one went to the beetle guy and turned out great. I’ve heard of guys hanging them up in a tree away from scavengers and letting the bugs and sun do their magic with a little cleaning at the end. You still have to clean it up like you would a boil and hang the jaw separately so you don’t lose it tho.