Looking to buy a Garand, what do I need to know?

I bought a Garand in December. It's an expert grade and is a beautiful rifle! I've just been shooting S&B ammo that is labeled "M1 Garand" ammo on the box, it's worked flawlessly so far.

It's a really cool piece of history and a ton of fun to shoot. I'd definitely recommend getting one. This one is a prized piece of my collection.
Where did you get your rifle?
It’s pretty wild that the federal government will sell you a semi auto 30-06 and ship it to your doorstep with a FFL transfer.
-do they still do it that way or has this changed?
It’s pretty wild that the federal government will sell you a semi auto 30-06 and ship it to your doorstep with a FFL transfer.
-do they still do it that way or has this changed?
I think they will ship to your residence:

I read a thread on Calguns that according to California state law, firearms must be shipped to an FFL. They also have a waiting period. But a poster on the same thread said that CMP ignores the state law. Pretty funny.