looking for scope options

What do you prefer about the night force?
That it is a NF 😁 I have not handled the SHV but have some very brief experience with the older NXS. They build a solid piece of glass hands down. Vortex builds a good product for it's price point. But, there is no way I'd pick the PST over the SHV, even though the NF is more. The Razor is a solid scope, but well above your 1300 limit.
Nightforce NXS zero stop used. I found mine used for maybe $1300. Not perfect on the outside but glass still good. It's by far my favorite scope. Huskemaws are great too and I bet you could find a 1st gen for under a grand now. If you have all your load data, they'll sell you a blue diamond turret for $50 I think.
Check out Sigs Whiskey 5 5x25-52 with the milling hunter recticle. I really like the ones I have. And if you look around you can find them for around $900.