** New user ** NX8 vs Tenmile .. questions


Sep 22, 2022
Kalamazoo MI
Hey Guys (Gals).

Quick introduction, I’ve been lurking for awhile. A long while… I’ve read through many of the reports in the Long range hunting section and have finally decided to make a post. I’ll keep it to the details and ask for yalls opinions. Building a new rifle and looking to cover a lot of basis.

Where I’m at:
I’ve ordered a LH Tikka T3 Light .243 8 twist gun. I’ve also ordered an MDT XRS Chassis, MDT Mag (no base plate in a .308 metal mag). A Mountain tactical 20 MOA rail, trigger spring, action screws blah blah blah.

What I’ve got:
Like many, I’ve got a hodgepodge of scopes laying around, one of which being a cheap FFP diamondback 6-24 Vortex, which will be thrown on for initial load development. Not to stay.. the glass sucks.

What I’m doing:
I need some glass. FFP is the logical choice. More varmints than hunting and a fair amount of steel/paper shooting. 0-400 yard paper shooting.1000 yard varnmit opportunity and 1200 yard steel shooting currently. No real “hunting” application but first light and last light shooting is desired. Glass clairity is of value, and much more desired than what I have currently.

Choices (so far)
Trijicon 10 Mile HX (I like the retical) 5-25x50 MOA
NX8 night force in some sort of capacity.

Just looking for some honest feedback. This is, and will be a “barn gun”. This is a learning tool at best, but I’d like to have a solid platform.

What can you tell me on the ten mile vs a NX8? I like the Mavin’s specs, but the lack of a current drop test makes me concerned for the money.

**** this Rifle will be used to introduce my kids to center fire rifles, so clairity and eyebox matter ****

Thanks all, appreciate everything!
Welcome and good to have you! I have a vortex scope that I use on a rifle that is essentially just a range gun. It works fine and I’m not worried about losing my zero on short trips to and from the range (maybe I should) but wouldn’t rely on it in any hunting scenario. It seems like you’ve identified several good options for upgrade. I can’t speak about the NF, but have a Trijicon10 mile which I love. Truthfully I don’t think you can go wrong with either, but it is a lot of money to spend on a “barn gun” and you may be better off looking at good options at a better price point like SWFA. Also, you can’t go wrong in my opinion with the Tikka. Good luck!
The maven RS1.2 passes the drop test and I believe would be a good candidate. I can bang steel on X8 easily at 626 yards. I haven’t shot to 1200 yards due to range restrictions however I know that scope is capable of getting you there. As mentioned above the Swfa might be your best choice for barn gun either 3-15 or the 5-20 used if you could find it. Best of luck
Thanks All,

Over the years, i've been close to purchasing a SWFA but haven't pulled the trigger, i'll take another look. in regards to the Mavin 1.2, every time i've looked at the 1.2 it was out of stock (likely for good reason). i really wish we would see a Mavin 3.2 pass the drop test, but common opinion seems to be that it wouldn't fare well.

Either way, i'm a couple weeks out from buying a scope.

Any comparisons on Glass with the NX8 vs Ten Mile? (understanding things are subjective there).
Any Comments on the scopes warranties?
I have 2 ten miles and multiple flavors of nx8. The nx8 is a much more refined scope than the trijicon. Both are serviceable. The nx8 gets more of my love and the 2-20 or 4-32 are both solid performers while the trijicon doesn't give up much and is a better bargain if you can find them on a sale which almost never happens with nf.
For what it's worth, I personally feel like the eye box tends to be more user friendly with a lower magnification range. I generally look for 4x or 5x range in higher powered scopes. I have owned a NF NX8 2-20 and now have a Trijicon Tenmile 3-18 on that rifle. Both are great scopes.
Sold my NX8 and have the Tenmile HX 25x, it was a good decision. I'd buy another NXS before I bought another NX8. Glass was good on both, not Leupold mark 4hd good but good enough.