Looking for Maine Black Bear info

May 29, 2023
The is so much info out there it is overwhelming. I had begun to plan a hunt for 2023, but life took its typical twists and now I have another baby in the house! So, now I'm back on to planning a hunt.

Anyone ever use a Guide and outfitter to hunt Maine? Any tips, advice, etc? I'm not 100% set on Maine, But I've always wanted to see that corner of the US.

Any thoughts or guide recommendations are greatly appreciated.

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Several years ago myself and 3 friends hunted with Laney's guide service out of Grand Lake Stream, Maine. We hunted over bait and we all killed a bear the first night of the hunt. I hunted with my bow and the other guys with rifles. Bears were all in the 200 lb. range, I think the biggest was 230. He has baited and hound hunts. Talked to the guy with the bear dogs and he said he gets some really big bears with the dogs.
I hunted last fall near Houlton. I'm not going to mention the guide, because he was debating retiring after last year. I haven't spoken to him this year. There was a record heat wave going on, so it was hunting in 90 degree weather. Even so, he kept up on his baits and had multiple sites with multiple bears coming in. All hunting was in the late afternoon/evening. The site I was on had lots of action, I ended up seeing bears 4 out of 5 days. Leupold junk cost me a bear on day 3, it was at least 300 lbs. An even bigger one came thru about 15 minutes later, but because I was waiting on the guide to come in and track the other bear, I didn't shoot it. It came down the trail and literally put his nose on my ladder stand, I could have pulled a Tim Wells and speared him. He walked out after 5 minutes. Too bad there's only a one bear limit in Maine. After looking for the other bear for 2 hours, we concluded that I must have just burned his belly. Trail cam video on the bait site confirmed. Checked the rifle, seemed fine at 40 yds, thought I shot twice and one was perfect, the other several inches low. Bear fever? Maybe (at least I thought) and spent the next two nights in the same stand, but there were only a couple pairs of juvenile twins coming in. After returning home, further testing proved that the Leupold scope had bit the dust and was randomly moving several inches after each shot.

For me, it was very similar to deer hunting in the Midwest. He got permission to put stands and bait in an area, then hunted the area. All stands or blinds, no still hunting or moving around.

The trip up was nice, even though it was a long drive. Very scenic, I loved the rural areas in Maine and the people were super friendly. I might check in and see if he's offering anything this year, but so far 2024 has been a hard kick in the balls for me and the family, so I may just chill and start again next year. I'm on the fence about going back, given the Maine government wants to remove anyone from their ballot that they don't like (not looking for an argument, I wouldn't care who it is, it's the principle). Same reason I'll probably never go to Colorado.
I used to guide for PB Guide Service in northwest Maine. If you want to see a beautiful part of the country, you should head up that way.
I wouldn't go with Foggy Mountain. My son and I went in 2020 and we sat from noon to dark for 5 days and didn't see a live bear the whole time. Maybe a 50 percent kill rate in camp that week and some dinks were getting killed.
Second for Laneys guide service.Have hunted with Paul several times(cats birds deer) and am doing a hound hun this September. Best in the buisness.He books out quickly but does occasionally have cancellation hunts.Good huntin.
Squapan Mountain Outfitters in Chapman Maine, 27 years guiding think hes running around 97 bait sites. Great success, his clients always pull in some nice bears.
Long Pond Camps and Guide Service- Jackman ME. Great people and lots of bears. Also very affordable. Look into their hound hunts. You will get a nice bear with them
Hi all. Reaching out to see if there are any new outfitter recommendations for a Maine bear hunt. After reading prior posts, I reached out to Laneys but am not receiving consistent communication from them to give me enough confidence to book. Wife is really set on traveling to Maine so I have no other choice of location :) Note this would be a fall of 2026 hunt (in case places book early).