Looking for hunt adventure suggestions


Sep 5, 2024
I will be turning 30 next winter (2026), and with that being said I want to do a good for it. I do want elk and would love something wilderness based, but I only have points in Wyoming and Montana. Wyoming is out of the question as I’ll be using those in the thorofare in a few years. What are some suggestions, I love the wall tent idea but don’t want to go to the Bob. How about the hunts on the north side of Yellowstone like hells a roarin? I’m open to all suggestions public and private. Budget of 12ishk

Would prefer rifle but and am open to other species suggestions too
NM landowner tag would be pretty sweet! You could also do a cool backcountry hunt in Idaho with an outfitter...either ride in on a horse or fly in on a bush plane.

Or buy a Colorado 2nd season OTC rifle tag and invest the remaining money.