Looking for an alternative


Jun 18, 2020
Southwest Va
I have a Wy West General Tag and a reservation with a reputable outfitter for a backcountry hunt next week. This trip is 4 years in the making and my idea of the ideal elk hunt. Unfortunately, sciatica is currently preventing me from going horseback. This looks to be screwing everyone involved. I will lose what I have paid the outfitter plus the cost of the tag, his guide will lose a tip, the outfitter will lose the remaining money, and my wife doesn't get 2 weeks of peace and quiet. It sucks all around. I am recovered enough to do a lodge or ranch based hunt but this is about as last minute as it could be. Any suggestions on how or with who I could salvage this tag are appreciated.
Wow that sucks. Never dealt with Sciatica, heard it can be painful. I blew a knee out about 10 years ago just before a horseback drop camp elk hunt in Colorado. With my doctors approval got a good brace and painkillers and made the trip. Second day I killed a 5x5 so the pain was worth it. Good luck, hope somehow this works out for you.
With sciatica pain begets pain. It is from nerve compression in the lumbar region that causes inflammation of the nerve being pinched. The more it gets inflamed the worse the pinch, so it gets more inflamed, and so on... Anti-inflammatories help you feel better and get better, with pain killers you may feel better temporarily but will get worse.
I've delt with mild sciatica throughout the years. I know it's last minute but have you thought of looking into therapy?

I'd throw the book at it.
Thai Massage with a heavy emphasis on stretching the sciatica.
Stretching night and day at home.
Cold therapy, either an ice bath or cryo tube. Twice daily until departure and if there's a river or stream at camp, use it as well. They will both do wonders and will be the best sleep you've ever had.
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I've done PT, chiro, NSAIDs, acupuncture, cold packs, and got an epidural corticosteroid shot 2 wks ago that was expected to resolve it for my trip. The shot had minimal effect. Acupuncture and cold packs seem to be the most effective treatments. Yesterday I saddled up one of my horses to see if I could tolerate riding. It only took the horse going about 10 steps to know I was screwed. I've thrown the book at it and my scheduled departure date is tomorrow, so it's not going to happen.
Downward dog stretch, 1 minute at a time, push yourself to the point of almost unbearable stretch.
And stretch the outside of the hip.
I've got a little bit of a lingering sciatica from my elk hunt last month, all that hiking and sleeping in camp tightens up my back every year. Downward dog is usually the one stretch that helps the most.
Dang, that's a real bummer and not something to be broke down with in the back country.

Sounds like you've done what you can.