Looking for advise 280 AI or 308 Light Weight Rifle

145lrx with varget out of a 24 in barrel. Running velocities just over 2875 I had plenty of energy at 500 yards.

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Nice yeah if at altitude that will carry 1500ftlb (if you subscribe to that) to 500yd. That was too hot in my 22" when I was working up that same load, I settled in at 2700fps for accuracy in that barrel so that is dipping under recommendations at 350ish (400 if higher up). That gun is mainly waiting for the kiddos though unless I want a lighter gun for some reason. I run the 145LRX in my 280AI as well at 3130 so I typically grab that one. I've been very pleased with that LRX at short/medium ranges. I want to use the 175 in a 30cal next.
Nothing wrong with a plain ol 30-06 or 270 on a long action or a 7-08 or a 308 on the short action.

I have both Kimbers and Tikkas both work just fine. I would shy away from magnums in the lightweight rifle realm. Gernally magnums are 3+1 vs 4+1 of non magnums in the magazines.

Plus a 30-06 will bring the heat just fine for anything I would want to hunt. All that said I have a 4 pound 14 oz 338-06 Kimber and I like it a lot. How much are you looking to spend? Honestly rifle weight is the last place I would cut weight out of my pack as its generally one of the most expensive $/oz ratio to cut weight.

I'll say it first so 16bore doesn't have to....just get a 270 and shoot factory loads. :) I agree though I'd pick either the 308 or 30-06.

I have plenty of 308 ammo around the house so initially I was just looking for a light weight 308. Then I started a bit of research and reading and discovered there are other rounds with similar recoil and better ballistics. Now I am bouncing back and forth as to which caliber to choose. I like the ability to have a round that maintains it's energy enough to shoot out to 500 but I realize most of my shots are within 300 yards. I was looking at the Kimber Subalpine and Montana so my budget was no more than $1500.
Nothing wrong with a plain ol 30-06 or 270 on a long action or a 7-08 or a 308 on the short action.

I have both Kimbers and Tikkas both work just fine. I would shy away from magnums in the lightweight rifle realm. Gernally magnums are 3+1 vs 4+1 of non magnums in the magazines.

Plus a 30-06 will bring the heat just fine for anything I would want to hunt. All that said I have a 4 pound 14 oz 338-06 Kimber and I like it a lot. How much are you looking to spend? Honestly rifle weight is the last place I would cut weight out of my pack as its generally one of the most expensive $/oz ratio to cut weight.

I'll say it first so 16bore doesn't have to....just get a 270 and shoot factory loads. :) I agree though I'd pick either the 308 or 30-06.

Sad but true......

Montana in 270, 308, 30-06, can't go wrong. Run yourself some ballistic tables if that's the push you need to sway in a certain direction. I'd focus on what I WAS going to hunt with it, my preferred bullet and distance, then go from there. 308 offers the most options, followed by 30-06, then 270. All are well proven and you're down to Coke or Pepsi.

You'll find that things are much more similar than different.....
Well I just made arrangements to purchase AK Troutbum's Kimber Montana 280 AI. Looking forward to it's arrival. Greg was great to deal with, top-notch guy.

I plan on purchasing Talley Light weight scope rings for this rifle. I will call Talley on Monday but was curious if any of you could give some guidance on which rings to buy so I can get the ball rolling. I have done some research and found conflicting info. I am putting on a Leopold LR/T 6.5-20x50mm scope. A lot of guys are saying the Medium rings fit but I thought I would ask for other opinions on this 84L rifle, any of you guys put a 50mm scope on this caliber?
There's a Swaro Z5 5x25x52 on a Cooper 92 in 280AI with Talley lw rings.

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Yeah it's interesting you're comparing a short action and a long action cartridge. As pointed out, the more apples to apples comparison is the 280AI to the 30-06, it's parent case. The 30-06 beats the 308 in all performance regards, anywhere from 100-150fps depending on bullet weight, all in a very common, readily available cartridge that shoots the same exact bullets as the 308...just faster. Accuracy between the two is identical...rounds cost the same, 30-06 is a hair more common especially in very remote areas.

To me the only reason to get a 308 is you want a short action or an ultra short action like a model 7.

But once you're considering long action...it's 280AI vs 30-06. To me the 280 AI is *out* for you bc you don't reload. At $55 a box you certainly won't get much practice in. And you can shoot regular 280 in your AI but you will shoot 50-100 fps slower than a plain old 280 if you do that.

So to me, the most apples to apples comparison for you is 280 vs 30-06 vs 270. The 270 will be the mildest recoiling and flattest shooting with factory loads, though it definitely loves a 24" barrel to perform to its potential (that said, the hornady 130gr factory loads clock around 3125 fps from the 22" barrels I've shot it from). The 30-06 will have a slightly worse trajectory, though definitely flatter than a 308, but it's a bit more efficient out of a 22" barrel and gains very little (like 30-40fps) out of a 24". The 280 will be somewhere in the middle.
Unless you're already set up to reload, or really want to start, skip the 280ai. Buy the rifle you like most chambered in a standard cartridge. I'd suggest 7-08, 25-06, 270, 280 or 30-06. Shoot it, learn it and go hunt.
My favorite cartridge without a doubt is the 308, but in my light rifle it does kick pretty solid with everything from 110-200 grain bullets. I hear the 7-08 had a lot less recoil, I haven't tried it yet. Now I'm regretting selling that model 7 7-08 I traded for without ever shooting it. Doh!
Well I just made arrangements to purchase AK Troutbum's Kimber Montana 280 AI. Looking forward to it's arrival. Greg was great to deal with, top-notch guy.

I plan on purchasing Talley Light weight scope rings for this rifle. I will call Talley on Monday but was curious if any of you could give some guidance on which rings to buy so I can get the ball rolling. I have done some research and found conflicting info. I am putting on a Leopold LR/T 6.5-20x50mm scope. A lot of guys are saying the Medium rings fit but I thought I would ask for other opinions on this 84L rifle, any of you guys put a 50mm scope on this caliber?

I don't run 50mm objectives on hunting rifles, but between the paper thin barrel on a montana and the rings if you're hearing mediums would work I believe it. I have talley mediums on my kimber and am amazed how high they are, can't tell if the barrel taper is that drastic or if the rings are indeed quite high for "mediums" either way I have a lot of room. If you go with mediums, you might not have much room to spare for scope covers however (if you use them).

On a side note if you're sold on this set up, go with it... it's your gun. Putting a hubble size scope on a rifle meant to be lightweight seems counterproductive but go with what works for you. My personal opinion is a VX3 2.5-8x36 is tailor made for a kimber montana, I have a tough time imagining a better set up.