Looking for a new rifle... thoughts

It really scared me on a Aoudad hunt once. If the first shot wasn't dead on
the money I might have blew it (and I thought I had).
Follow up shot was over its back and the third shot I aimed up under its belly,
catching it in the left flank, found the bullet in the brisket.
I like ALL my shots to go where I aim.

Yikes. Sounds like more than a little wandering. I'd be looking at the scope mounting system, headspace, timing, etc; a single round shouldn't be capable of imparting enough heat into a barrel to cause a complete miss like that.
Shots walking when a barrel heats up has absolutely nothing to do with how thin it is. It is absolutely stress in the barrel or a mechanical problem.
Exactly. This, chopping the barrel for a brake and a little bit of work on the stock. The .300 magnums are really just awesome rounds, every animal I've ever killed with this rifle has died in a similar manner to Niedemeyer's horse in "Animal House."

Anyone own or shot one of these? Seriously thinking about picking one up in .30-06.

Weatherby | Vanguard Wilderness

The Backcountry is the same thing as the Wilderness as far as I can tell, except for being Cerakoted. Mine’s a .30-06 and shoots better than I thought it would for being light and having a fluted barrel. I don’t notice any shot stringing, but magnums may be worse.
Not knocking Vanguards, but its a Howa barreled action (or was) in a weatherby stock i believe. You can get a howa semi heavy threaded BA for like 500 bucks from brownells and then pick from tons of choices at stockys for the stock you want.

Also very interested in this Tikka policy change I know nothing about
Whatever you buy, make sure it can shoot the newer, high BC bullets.

At least 1:10 twist (1:9 is better) and a magazine that can handle larger than SAMI spec overall lengths.
Not knocking Vanguards, but its a Howa barreled action (or was) in a weatherby stock i believe. You can get a howa semi heavy threaded BA for like 500 bucks from brownells and then pick from tons of choices at stockys for the stock you want.

Also very interested in this Tikka policy change I know nothing about

True about the Vanguards/ Howas, but most of the non-base Weatherby’s come in Bell and Carlson stocks, and are available in cartridges/barrel configurations the Howa’s aren’t.

Brownell’s does have a Howa 18.5” threaded heavy barrel .308 action for $260 and their mini action in 7.62x39 that are calling my name, even though they’re not on my list of rifles to add.

Cerakoted 22” sporter weight .30-06 for $350 is also a good deal, I’m safe there as I’ve already got a pair.
Not sure if you landed on something yet, but I got a Fierce CT Edge in 300WM this spring and l love it. I’ve shot it out to 1000yrds no problem with a VX-5HD 3-15x44. Shoots 1/2 groups with factory Hornaday Precision Hunter 200gr EDL-X’s. I haven’t weighed it, but it’s pretty dang light. Action is smooth as silk. I like how they made the mag long enough to fit the heavy bullets without any issue.

I’m going to Unimak this fall to back a buddy up on his bear hunt. I’m hoping for a chance at a wolf while I’m there, so I’ve been practicing for those long shots.

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