Looking at the Kennetrek Hardscrabble Hikers..any thoughts


Apr 3, 2014
Sullivan, MO.
Looking to get a new pair of boots this year.
The Lowas I have used for the last 4 years have done well for me but I think the leather is starting to shrink some as they are really getting tight on my feet now.
So in looking for some thing new I know Kennetrek has a really good reputation, but like most all boots ill have to order something online to get them.
So was hoping to get some opinions from you all as this is one of a couple I am looking at trying, but is the one that is on the top of the list for me.
Have any of you used these and what were your thoughts on them.

Right off, there really isnt anything else in the Kennetrek line that I am interested in as they are mostly all tall boots which I am not a fan of personally.