Longer Stakes for Tipi Tent?


Jan 11, 2022
Anybody prefer using longer tent stakes for their tipi? If not, how do you get the provided shorter stakes to work (e.g. 7” Y-type stakes)?

A buddy recommended longer stakes, I’m seeing 10” cyclone stakes by MSR as an option but might be overkill. Any others that you’d recommend?

Tent is a Seek Outside Cimarron
What’s the issue with the shorter ones, I have the cimmaron also and haven’t had any issues
The short seek stakes are obvi made for weight savings. I’ve broken 30% of mine.
I’m not packing it on my back either, so I just replaced them with 8” spikes.
I have gotten away with mini MSR and even titanium pins for the most part. I do mix in two full size ground hogs on my tarp set up for the ridge line. I have some of their twisty stakes but can’t recall using them.

The only time it has ever been an issue, I have been able to plant the stake and put a rock on top and it hasn’t pulled out.
It really depends on the conditions, including location, windiness, and the quality of the soil you are driving the stakes into. I have done well with a mix of groundhogs and durapegs under most conditions--some of the durapegs seem like they are becoming brittle but fair enough, i have been using them for more than 12 years. I have a set of the kifaru SST pins that work great on softer soils w less hold to them.
I just got into the tepee game and I’m in the SE US. I run longer stakes to get the fly edges up for better air flow. It’s way too humid in the SE to get the fly all the way to the ground. I leave some of the stake out and then loop to the top of the MSR Groundhog stake. The extra height above ground at the stake allows me to get the tent tight but still have it up. I hope that makes sense.
I use the msr on my seek some as well I think they do better than the seek ones they don’t seem to bend as easily, I have the long twisty ones also but only use those in really soft soil
I have a SO tipi and got the 'twisty' stakes when I ordered it.
They are great

Call SO and get them
I ended up ordering some of the MSR cyclone stakes. I tried using the standard stakes from SO this weekend, first outing with the tipi, and they didn’t hold very well. The longer twisty stakes worked way better. But I’d love to not carry those longer stakes on longer hikes…they just seem bulky.
I just went through this very debate over the last few seasons. I’ve broken too many of the smaller stakes and settled on the long msr twisted stakes. Of course those are the only I use for my 12 man, but even when backpacking with the redcliff, I always bring the long twist stakes. The standard ones SO sells break off at the tip in harder ground. But I do mix a few of the standard stakes when backpacking and bring less of the long twist stakes. That’s a lot of nerdy tent stake talk!

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I use a combo of the Seek Outside twist stakes and Hyperlite aluminum. The short groundhog never held up. The Hyperlite are ridiculously light and longer. The twist are good for 4 main corners and peace of mind.
The longer stakes can be a real pita to pull out of the ground when tearing down camp. Had that experience this weekend, first outing with the Cimmaron, and a couple stakes were very stubborn to remove.
I have a redcliff that I use TiTo nail style stakes with now. I ran the OEM stakes that came with it until I started doing winter trips. I couldn’t get even MSR ground hogs into the icy dirt without bending them. I use the 300mm x 8mm. They’re kinda heavy, but they’re worth it for not having your tent rip out of the ground. Mountain hunts I use them too, but thinking of getting smaller ones. This is what I use: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B09DPNGFLX?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title