load development with new/once fired brass


Apr 27, 2012
Queensland, Downunder
Just wondering if you start a new load with new brass or once fired brass that was fired in another rifle whether it is best to fireform to my rifle before drawing conclusions from results?
What I'm getting at is would I see a difference between my current brass that has several firings on it and the new to me brass that hasn't been fireformed to my chamber yet?

I just obtained some currently 'unobtainium' bullets (Woodleigh 150gr PP) for my 270win and need to minimize how many I use to get to a load I'm happy with.
I would run the other brass through the sizing die and then check the COAL on each piece.

Trim if needed.
I don’t think once fired brass from other rifle will matter, especially after sizing.
I have full length resized and trimmed with Lee trimmer and cordless drill just to make them consistent.

Awaiting the bullets in the post before I can make a start
Been down this road on a couple different rifles.

1- absolutely FL size and start with 1 piece from each batch of foreign brass
2- get hornady shoulder comparator and compare the sized "foreign" brass to a known-fired piece of brass from your rifle
3- if the shoulder dimension is too long, you're going to have trouble chambering rounds
4- in this case, you will need to bump the shoulders back further to get them to load without effort. I fought this in my 7-08 most recently, and that shoulder comparator and measurement may save you a TON of headaches and rework
5- you may also need a body die if bumping shoulders back doesn't solve this issue

Good luck!
Having used a fair few of those bullets in the past I wouldn’t waste too many of them experimenting with various loads, they shoot fine but not spectacular but are excellent killers
57 grains of 2213SC is about as good as it gets