Living with deer

Oct 3, 2017
Too far east
I have big bay windows in my house. The deer can certainly see in my windows, and they know when I'm watching them. They watch me too. They stomp their feet, snort, bob their heads. All kinds of things to scare me off.

Very fascinating creatures. They certainly learn danger, they know when I stop my truck, it's time to run. If I drive by slowly, they are less concerned, but still watch me.

I have tried countless times to stalk deer on my lawn. They know I am there immediately. No matter how slowly I walk, or move behind trees, they know I'm there.
So more recently, I started talking to them. They know I'm there, so why not. Talking to them doesn't seem to bother them, or make them more calm. I still can't get too close, or they snort & bolt away.

Certainly became a hobby to interact with the deer. Not sure I could live without wildlife on my property. Can't go back to the city... never.
Dec 27, 2012
We have a resident herd that visits up daily. They all have names. The difference is we can pet ours and they will come up to us. I can usually whistle to get there attention and then they come over to my yard. These are mule deer, not whitetail so I am not sure if that makes a difference. Does, fawns, forks or big bucks, they all come hang out. I am pretty sure that if I opened a door, they would come inside the house. I had them walk into my garage while I am in there before.


Feb 17, 2018
Where I live we’re definitely not urban, we get them up in our orchard, but they’re skittish. My wife’s family’s place in suburban ohio they are like yard squirrels. They still have a “bubble”. Outside their bubble it’s like nothing even makes them look up. But get 1 inch inside the bubble, all bets are off and the snorting stompwalk commences. Whitetails in general seem wired a bit (a lot) tighter to me.