Listen up Californians!


Sep 6, 2014
You need to get on Howl and jump on AB28. Which is an additional 11% tax on all firearms, firearms parts, and ammunition in a supposed effort to curb gun violence. It's on the govs desk right now so this is urgent!

Call his office directly (916) 445-2841 and read that letter HOWL has as well as sending the email.

“Wisten to the whythmic whythm of the woodwinds as it wowws awound and awound…and it comes out here!” — Elmer Fudd
Also keep an eye out for SB2 likely heading to his desk by Friday. Essentially bans CCW statewide by declaring everything a “sensitive place” and forcing private businesses to post permissive “CCW allowed here” signs otherwise it would be illegal.
I sent this before you even posted it but there is a 0% chance he vetos it. Newsom is about as anti 2A as they get.

Buy your guns now if you live in Ca. They will be 11% more expensive by next summer.
Signed sealed submitted, this will be signed and be a court battle. Recent scotus decisions make me think this dies in court some years from now. My wife and I have had enough, we are out of here in 2 years.

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Signed sealed submitted, this will be signed and be a court battle. Recent scotus decisions make me think this dies in court some years from now. My wife and I have had enough, we are out of here in 2 years.

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You gotta get out. I put in 35 years there and loved so many things about it. Enough is enough though. It’s not easy to move, but we did it with young kids and managed fine. Just have to commit to a plan and get out!
Where are you moving?
I got tired of the ag industry and all the other idiots in that state and headed to NV. The mining industry is treating me pretty well as of late. Plenty of CA I will miss as far as deer and hogs go but the valley I grew up in has changed so much that I can’t stand it anymore. Said to hell with my business and got out while the kids where young. First A zone deer season I’m missing since I was about 4 years old. CA could be awesome, but it’s terminal, rest in pieces.
To everyone leaving there, please don’t vote for the same shit that ****** that place up.
Signed sealed submitted, this will be signed and be a court battle. Recent scotus decisions make me think this dies in court some years from now. My wife and I have had enough, we are out of here in 2 years.

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I always thought you lived in Texas for some reason.
Anyone who lives in this state who didn't see this, and many more like it coming must be living in a cave. I have been preparing for this for several years now. I will not be paying any tax on firearm or ammo purchase. Ever. I repeat, they will not stop until they have all our weapons. This liberal mindset is spreading across the country.