"Like" "Like" "Like" - What the hell is happening to our English ?

We use hours for long travel. But moved to a new town several years ago and got the ole (go north a few minutes and turn right at the old school house, then once you've gone a ways you turn back north at the old grain bin and it will be on your right. . . Can't miss it!). Never mind the old school House was torn down long ago and now a house sits there, and the only thing left of the "old" grain bin is the top, but ignore the 4 other "old" grain bins!

I just get a kick out of things that are common place if you were born and die in the same place but seem off the wall to anyone else
Go to the town I grew up in. Roads are "named" by the people that live on them, not what the sign says. Corners are also "named" after the people that live on them or should I say lived on them when they were built.

So, basically head south out of town, go past Feld corner and then take a right at Nielsen corner then take a right on to Foster road.
Thanks! I’ve tried Wired to Hunt. Too long and can’t do whitetails. Will try the others.
Yea man. Elk Talk is great also, there is alot of banter but I personally don't mind it.

You have Randy Newburg and Corey Jacobson just BSing and giving advice about elk hunting. I'll listen to anything Corey Jacobson has to say about elk hunting.

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People stopped reading, and that’s why they don’t have such rich vocabulary as they used to. For instance, now I barely find some time to read. In the meantime, I text a lot with my friends, and I cannot say that everybody can express their thoughts in a written form. Besides, I struggle to write my school essays and always use the exact words.
In the meantime, my little brother reads a lot, and recently, I’ve found for him reading comprehension worksheets for grade 3 pdf. Sometimes, it seems that his 3rd-grade vocabulary is way richer than mine, and I’m about to graduate. So, I see that the only way to improve your speech is to read more. The only issue is to find something interesting.
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I mostly keep my grammar nazi thoughts to myself, but I didn't start this thread so here is a list of commonly misused words that I've pulled out of internet posts and emails. (Gosh, I'm a sick bastard, don't I have anything better to do with my time?) It's a mild annoyance and I'm sure my first world sensibilities will survive. I'm not directing this at any particular individual so if this offends you, please misuse as many of these examples as possible in your rant.

aloud vs allowed
bare vs bear
baron vs barren
brake vs break
bread vs bred
but vs butt
by vs bye vs buy
dear vs deer
do vs due vs dew
effect vs affect
except vs accept

fairy vs ferry
finely vs finally
find vs fined
heard vs herd
here vs hear
hire vs higher
insure vs ensure
its vs it's
loan vs lone
morning vs mourning
mute vs moot
our vs are

past vs passed
patience vs patients
pole vs poll
poor vs pour
residence vs residents
write vs rite vs right
seen vs saw
sent vs scent
site vs sight
stalk vs stock
than vs then
they're vs there vs their
through vs threw
to vs too vs two
where vs were vs wear

waist vs waste
wait vs weight
wolf's vs wolves
your vs you're
It's soo cute seeing you guys' reaction, "it's Tots Adorbs!" ;) I hear all these sayings when my soon-to-be 9th grader boy tells me things some of the girls at his school end up saying.
Another one I can't stand is when one of them over uses the exclamation or response of "Nice!" or "Oh, Nice!" as nothing more than an acknowledgement/confirmation that they've registered and understood what the other speaker has said. They'll use it as a response when it doesn't make sense be using it.
SALE/SELL misuse is a real pet peeve for me. When I see "For Sell" or "I want to sale this" I just cringe a bit and hit the back button.
Typically that's a Primary Spanish speaking person who is ESL doing that. From correcting a lot of my first wife's papers when we were young, and her being a native Spanish Speaker (Gautemala), me knowing Spanish from living with her I'd see how sometimes they have an oopsie and sort of apply Spanish grammatical rules toward their writing at times when they weren't as sure about what they were writing in that English sentence.
One I despise the most right now? That short staccato "Bruh" thing they all try to do now. Total SMDH with that one, for very specific reasons.
Funny you mention this one. When I moved down to Orange County (OC) I really didn't like how everybody here said "Dude". Where I grew up in the 'hood, you said "Man", cause only very "Nerdy, Really *White* Guys" said things like "Dude" and "Bro".

But...ya know... once you start spending enough time surrounded in the company of new peers which make use of a particular speech phrase. We all have this thing where we eventually end up incorporating that other persons saying into the interactions with them to form closer bonds, etc. And before you know it, you catch yourself saying it! (And cringe in horror! hehe)
I can think of 100s of other things in this country to get irritated by.
This is not one of them.

TheGDog post, 6/17 @ 1239 am nailed it, really is as simple as that.

I'm more irritated by all the people littering our public lands vs. those that say dude, like, etc.

I grew up in S. Cal and dude, bro, like, stoked, are how your peers speak. Nearly impossible to not pick it up.

I'm 45 now, I don't say dude anymore, but when I'm excited or mad, it comes out of the woodworks! LOL