I just bought a Kimber Mountain Ascent in .308 and I've been carrying an S&W 329PD for several months, I love the combination.
I'll admit that some people just can't handle the larger pistol calibers but I haven't had any problem with my 329PD - but then I've shot .44 mag and .454 ammo for decades so I'm pretty used to the recoil. I did let a couple of friends shoot my 329PD and it was the first time that either have fired anything larger than a .40 and neither guy had any complaint about the 329PD. Both said that the recoil force to their hand was substantial but nothing that would stop them from practicing with a good Hornady .240gr load. Personally, I think that the pistol has very little muzzle flip and only a couple pounds more force to the palm compared to my heavy 7 1/2" Ruger Super Blackhawk.
As for the Kimber Moutain Ascent, it has been a jewel to shoot. Accurate (just over 0.5" at 100 yards with factory Federal Gold Medal ammo) and the brake works very well at reducing the recoil force.