lightweight packs

Mike P

Mar 5, 2012
How many on here use lightweight packs instead of "hunting" packs for your fall adventures?

I have used just about every kind of hunting pack known to man and really cannot stand the weight of them. My wife has been using a Golite Pinnacle ( 3 lbs) for the last 3-4 seasons and has carried some crazy loads in it and has not even had a seam come loose...I'm starting to think that that might be the way to go as well.

I have had Eberlestock, Mystery Ranch, Badlands, Blacks Creek and far the KUIU has been the best, but its still 5+ lbs of empty weight.
I was curious about the Kifaru UL series but the price is WAY to much $$$ for me to just try one out.

Golite has some new packs in there 2012 line and the new Jam 70 has caught my eye, 2 lbs empty weight :) sure beats 7-9 lb empty weight of the normal hunting packs i use and its only $139 :)

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Checkout the kifaru ku thread, heaviest pack is 5200 2lbs 13oz and will carry 150lb loads.

It is their lowest priced pack line and if you go with aluminum stays you can get a pretty devent price. Yes it is a larger investment but are you planning on getting a new pack every year or keeping one for a long time? Also kifaru products hold their value if you ever decide to sell.
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Are you wanting this pack to haul your hunting gear and haul meat? Or just for backpacking stuff? Because if you are using it for hunting and backpacking I would listen to what Dotman said and look hard at the Kifaru KU series.
Kifaru KU pack is awesome. As light as it gets. and can carry heavy weights comfortably. As far as get what you pay for! Simple as that
It depends on what loads you wanna carry. I have a golite pinnacle which is 4400 cu in for right at 2 lbs, it's good up to 35 pound or so but beyond that weight you'll want a frame pack of sorts. 50+ in a frameless pack for any distance is not a good idea let alone haulin a 100+ lb pound 10 miles back to the truck out of the backcountry. If just using it to day hunt with and no intentions of carrying a real hunting load it'd be great, otherwise that 5-7 pound pack will seem like a small price to pay when you wanna pack out camp and your kill in the same load. The KU line of packs is really the only thing in your weight range that could routinely haul actually hunting loads for minimal weight penalty, but you already stated you didn't want to pay that much which is surprising since you threw down equal coin on a mystery ranch.

Like I said it really depends on what ou plan to do with your pack but for haling heavy hunting loads long distances the empty packs weight is of little concern at what point. I plan my backpack to if it an handle my wight going in on a hunt as any pack can do that, but rather the going out weight.


guess I should have clarified a bit on money issue... as you noted I don't mind spending the cash on packs (my wife may actually tell you i have issues :) ) but I don't want to put down $600 for a pack i cannot try out first.

I was hoping that a few other pack companies would follow the Kifaru lead this year but so far all i see is the same old same old for hunting packs.

My ideal pack would be:

Versatility of the eberlestock Blue Widow
Quietness of the eberlestock
Comfort of the KUIU
Meat carrying cell like the KUIU
Durability of the Mystery Ranch
Price of the GOlite :)

Oh to dream
Hey i have some beach front property here in KS for sale, it is located next to the place that sells your dream pack :)
Mike, what kind of weight do you typically pack? Do you do overnight back country type hunting, where you would need to pack your camp and meat out? Luke is right on track, identification of what type of hunting will determine the best recommendations for you. Based on your dream pack the Kifaru UL or Timberline series is where I would start. A 5 or 6 pound pack is nothing if it can carry 100 pounds of meat and camp adequately.

The GoLite are for backpacking, period. They are lightweight bags on shoulder straps and waist belts. A 100 pounds in one of those and it will fall apart.

Here is a test for you. Figure out what your maximum weight is you think you would want to pack. Say it is 80 pounds. Put 80 pounds in what ever pack you use now. Then put 83 pounds in it and tell me if you can tell the difference. I am betting you can't. That is the difference between the GoLite and a Kifaru when it comes to the gross starting weight of their packs, 3 pounds with Timberline, much less with KU series.

Kifaru packs carry weight, even heavy weight, better than any other pack out there from my experience. Order one, if you don't like it send it back for a refund. You will not be disappointed.
I have a Golite Terrono that I have loaded with 78lbs right now. I hike with it 2-3 times a week, and it is very comfortable. I also load it up with another 20 when I get on the Eliptical. So far the bag has shown absolutely no sign of wear, but I don't trust the belt buckle and will eventually change it. The bag is not ultralight, but it does weigh less than 4.5 lbs. Golite rates the carry rate at 65lbs, but it handles more quite easily. I haven't reached the max limit yet.
As a hunting pack, it compresses down to just about nothing, and is surprisingly quiet.
Keep in mind, I don't have experience with any of the top end packs to compare it to. I usually use a module Nimrod system with a pack frame that comes off when I reach camp. The Nimrod system doesn't seem to have functional load lifters, and my shoulders always beging to ache with weights over 50lbs. The Terrono with 78lbs is much more comfortable than the pack frame with 60.
This pack was originally $300 +, but I bought mine on golite clearance for $108. It's not a perfect pack, but I think it will work well to pack all my gear in, hunt with, and still be able handle a boned out deer and my gear on the trip out.
If looking to save a bit of coin go to REI and try on a XT 85. Those things are stout, 5200 cu in and less than half the price of a KU. Plus you get to try it on. :D
Mike, what kind of weight do you typically pack? Do you do overnight back country type hunting, where you would need to pack your camp and meat out? Luke is right on track, identification of what type of hunting will determine the best recommendations for you. Based on your dream pack the Kifaru UL or Timberline series is where I would start. A 5 or 6 pound pack is nothing if it can carry 100 pounds of meat and camp adequately.

The GoLite are for backpacking, period. They are lightweight bags on shoulder straps and waist belts. A 100 pounds in one of those and it will fall apart.

Here is a test for you. Figure out what your maximum weight is you think you would want to pack. Say it is 80 pounds. Put 80 pounds in what ever pack you use now. Then put 83 pounds in it and tell me if you can tell the difference. I am betting you can't. That is the difference between the GoLite and a Kifaru when it comes to the gross starting weight of their packs, 3 pounds with Timberline, much less with KU series.

Kifaru packs carry weight, even heavy weight, better than any other pack out there from my experience. Order one, if you don't like it send it back for a refund. You will not be disappointed.


Heavy packs carry heavy weight.
i know some of you guys have tried kufaru ku 5200 are you still using it or have you moved on
i know some of you guys have tried kufaru ku 5200 are you still using it or have you moved on

My wife will be using hers again this year on her dall sheep hunt. I hope to steal it a time or two this spring/summer when on solo bear hunts once I get the 26" stays in it.