Lids. WTF

They usually do suck. The only lid I’ve found you can actually lock in place and not have it flop is the exo k4 lid. A lot of that is due to the frame design and strap organization as well. I keep my must have items in it. Nice to pop the lid off and have everything you need in your tent without having to bring the whole pack pack in. Usually keep food for the day, first aid kit, water purifying, hygiene stuff, headlamp, and small survival kit. Sometimes gloves and beanies as well.
Always used a lid (daily snacks, headlamp, ext battery, keys/wallet). @ExoMtnGear the 2200 with integrated lid is a game changer!! They just need a mid size with that design- for day trips in hot weather I can get by with the 2200 (spotter, tripod, full kit, etc) in the winter I won’t have enough room for everything and I will have to use the 3600.

I will send my down payment now for a mid size bag that copies the 2200 design (2800, 3200, 3800 or 4200- just really enjoy the integrated lid design)
Always used a lid (daily snacks, headlamp, ext battery, keys/wallet). @ExoMtnGear the 2200 with integrated lid is a game changer!! They just need a mid size with that design- for day trips in hot weather I can get by with the 2200 (spotter, tripod, full kit, etc) in the winter I won’t have enough room for everything and I will have to use the 3600.

I will send my down payment now for a mid size bag that copies the 2200 design (2800, 3200, 3800 or 4200- just really enjoy the integrated lid design)
I would agree with this. Integrated lid is superior. Kuiu does this with some of their packs and I’ve always liked that feature. As long as it’s built pleated so you can fully stuff the bag and the lid it would be so far superior over traditional lids.
If I don't use the lid on my exo I find myself doing the rototiller thru the main bag for headlamp, lighter, first aid kit, gloves buried in there somewhere, beanie too, so I usually use the lid. Some stuff I can put in slip pockets or the stretch pocket, but the lid is for stuff I use often and put back often basically. I have a exo probably a K2 , the lid works ok but it's not perfect. Could just have it mounted better
Alright I've finally worked up the courage to ask: WTF is the deal with pack lids?

What are they for? How do you properly use them? What are best practices?

To date, they have been a floppy, strappy, collector-of-random-stuff annoyance. Generally to be taken off unless you're doing a giant multi-day pack and run out of space. What am I doing wrong?
Agreed. I’ve never used a pack lid and don’t plan to. I run a Kifaru just the the bag no lid.
I'm guessing most people fall more into one of two categories. Those who compartmentalize everything, every item has a spot. The other is those who fit things where they fit best. I'm guessing those who like lids are more the first category. Myself, I prefer one big open bag, I'll stuff it as I see fit.
I’m for sure category two, but I like lids for rifle hunts… easy place to access things I will need to access for sure, and sandwich spare clothes under. The only lids I’ve liked have been on my various exo packs, the rest I didn’t like enough to use for convenience, most suck.

Hate lids for archery, and in the brush regardless, which usually goes hand in hand with archery hunting
Always used a lid (daily snacks, headlamp, ext battery, keys/wallet). @ExoMtnGear the 2200 with integrated lid is a game changer!! They just need a mid size with that design- for day trips in hot weather I can get by with the 2200 (spotter, tripod, full kit, etc) in the winter I won’t have enough room for everything and I will have to use the 3600.

I will send my down payment now for a mid size bag that copies the 2200 design (2800, 3200, 3800 or 4200- just really enjoy the integrated lid design)
Yeah, love the layout on the 2200, been using it every day, and it’s perfect, so I agree, an integrated lid is a great feature and doesn’t make the bag high profile like a regular lid. The whole bag is well designed
I use the Kifaru std lid and swap out whatever pocket seems appropriate for daily stuff. I have a large belt pouch or a L&L#11. I will tuck my rain gear and tripod under the lid. Once I am in day pack hunt mode, I seldom have to get in the main bag unless digging out my tarp or ground chair to sit out the rain.

If I am hunting for days in the rain, I use the Seek Divide 4500 with no lid and just stuff the goodies pocket in the top of the roll top bag.
I use my Guide Lid about half the time. For sure when I pack in and or if rain is on the horizon. I also have a large belt pouch attached to it. Makes alot of items very convenient all of a sudden.