LH Shooter Bow Tuning


Mar 13, 2024
Waialua, Hawaii
Ok I’m new to working on my bow.

Just changed string and getting gnarly nock right tear.

Cams are synched. Rest is at center shot.

I’m looking at yoke tuning and getting confused. Is yoke tuning and cam lean same regardless of what side of the bow you shoot on?

I know I need to tighten one side of yokes and loosen the other. But which one? And do I do equal tightening and loosening on top and bottom yokes?


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Nock right tear = add twists to right yoke and subtract twists from left yoke (same for right-handed and left-handed shooters)

I would adjust twists in the same amount on both the top and bottom cams.

Here’s a handy tuning guide from Gold Tip. Every adjustment listed is the same for RH and LH shooters.
Nock right tear = add twists to right yoke and subtract twists from left yoke (same for right-handed and left-handed shooters)

I would adjust twists in the same amount on both the top and bottom cams.

Here’s a handy tuning guide from Gold Tip. Every adjustment listed is the same for RH and LH shooters.
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View attachment 855468
Awesome thank you!

On my PSE Mach30 with gas strings the yokes are one piece (and a pain in the butt to twist/untwist). Should I still be twisting one side and untwisting other? And do that one too and bottom cam?


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Personally I would start by moving the cams to the right via their shim system. You move the cams the direction of the nock. So nock right means you would move the cams to the right. And what is your DL/Lbs and what spine are you shooting to make sure youre not underspined.

Edit - I literally just got my RX-9 in two days ago and had a pretty decent nock left tear. Not as big as yours. But I moved just the top cam to the left and it fixed it. So im guessing if you move both cams to the right you could get very close to getting rid of that tear.