Leupold VX-5 HD Tracking (Opinions on Huskemaw?)

I have a VX5HD and it would not return to zero. After dialing it up and down and shooting it (300 H&H) out to 900 yards, it was 3.5" high at 100 yards instead of dead-on. Since then, I put it on my 22-250 and won't be dialing it much. I now have a Huskemaw 4-16x on my H&H and haven't had a chance to shoot it much, so I don't know how it tracks yet.
I have a VX5HD and it would not return to zero. After dialing it up and down and shooting it (300 H&H) out to 900 yards, it was 3.5" high at 100 yards instead of dead-on. Since then, I put it on my 22-250 and won't be dialing it much. I now have a Huskemaw 4-16x on my H&H and haven't had a chance to shoot it much, so I don't know how it tracks yet.
I don't have any experience with huskemaw 3-12 or 4-16. I have used the 5-20lr and 5-20 bluediamonds. They are rock solid. Next one in the hopper is their 5-20 tactical scope. It has illuminated reticle with 10 different power levels and a bubble level in the very bottom of the reticle. The glass is great and the scopes are tough. They track great.
So far I love my Vx5hd..I’ve had it on my creedmoor for a couple years now on quite a few hunts and rang steel out to a 1000 with it and never had an issue with tracking or returning to zero. Hope it holds up
I’ve got a first gen VX-6 on a 30-06, and so far so good. But I don’t dial with it. More of a “set it and leave it” scope.

I’m glad I read through this thread. I’m likely about to start a custom build, and my top scope candidate was going to be a MK5 HD. Now I will likely be looking in a different direction. Maybe even at Huskemaw after so many positive reviews.
The VX5HD with firedot in a 3-15x44 could damn near be the perfect hunting scope IF Leupold would get their heads out of their collective butts and make them track reliably. I've bought two of them. One worked ok with only small variations in tracking and the other moved at its own free will it seemed. The bad one made me not trust the one with no problems. No more Leupy's for me until they admit their erector issues and resolve them. The 24hrcampfire live Q&A vid was an absolute joke with how Leupold handled that. It was enough to turn anyone that watched it into a Leupold hater
The VX5HD with firedot in a 3-15x44 could damn near be the perfect hunting scope IF Leupold would get their heads out of their collective butts and make them track reliably. I've bought two of them. One worked ok with only small variations in tracking and the other moved at its own free will it seemed. The bad one made me not trust the one with no problems. No more Leupy's for me until they admit their erector issues and resolve them. The 24hrcampfire live Q&A vid was an absolute joke with how Leupold handled that. It was enough to turn anyone that watched it into a Leupold hater

It really is sad. If they tracked correctly there'd be no peer to the VX-5/VX-6 series for hunters.
I run a VX-6HD on my 28 Nosler and have had ZERO issues out of the tracking reliability or holding zero after shooting a fair amount and hunting pretty hard with it this year.
I have a vx5hd on a light 338 rum shooting 270 gr bullets and I dial it fairly regular and have had zero issues, I also have a vx6hd on a 6.5SS that I dial as well I just have not used it as much and no complaints, there are also lots of prs guys that swear by the mk5 so leupold has to know how to build a turret
Yep. I love the clarity of my VX5, but if it isn't going to track accurately and return to zero, then I can't trust it. I really wanted it to work, even with all the bad reviews, but mine must have been in the late Friday afternoon or early Monday morning assembly line.
That is similar to a problem I had with my Leupold scope. The scope would not adjust and dial correctly. the report when I got it back was they repaired or replaced the erector system. As soon a I can I will be replacing this scope for a Zeiss V4. It's dialing just fine right now but I'm worried when I need it to be perfect it's going to let me down.

I was told the new V5 and V6HD scopes have a newer erector system but I'm not spending anymore of my money on Leupold scopes.

I just got my mark 5 back from leupold for doing similiar stuff. 1 group had 4 holes touching. The next group had a 5 inch spread at 100 yrs. The repair paperwork said they "reworked" the erector system...
That is similar to a problem I had with my Leupold scope. The scope would not adjust and dial correctly. the report when I got it back was they repaired or replaced the erector system. As soon a I can I will be replacing this scope for a Zeiss V4. It's dialing just fine right now but I'm worried when I need it to be perfect it's going to let me down.

I was told the new V5 and V6HD scopes have a newer erector system but I'm not spending anymore of my money on Leupold scopes.

I had 3 “new” as of last year. Two VX5HD, and one VX6HD. The two VX5HD were the ones that failed. All three are gone now and like I said before,Nightforce and Vortex is what’s on top of those rifles now. No issues at all.
How large is your sample size if not taking forums into account?
I’ve never heard of any issues with Leupolds ever till I start diving into forums.
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When I look at most of the folks I grew up around in MN and ND, the average annual round count through their deer rifles might be 10 at most. Folks are still “sighting in” their rifles with a few rounds every year. Of course those folks aren’t seeing a high failure rate or even aware that their scopes might have issues.
I’m a bit concerned now also. So far I have been running a vx-5hd 3-15 with excellent results dialing out to 1,000 and back. No problems as of yet and I use it pretty hard. Setting on a 22 creed. currently. Any other options with that locking elevation turret?