Leupold CDS

May 10, 2017
I am thinking about putting a Leupold VX CDS on my rifle. I hear mostly positive reviews, with a few negatives. I would mostly use it out to 300 yards and max out at 500 in ideal conditions if I start to feel really comfortable with it.

Would it hold zero? I've had some scopes get bumped off zero with normal field use and I worry about that.
I've heard that the dial can move a little bit but that doesn't affect the zero, right? You just have to spend the extra time to twist it to whichever distance you need before shooting? I can see that it might be a little confusing if it starts out at 400 when it started on 100, but wouldn't necessarily be a serious issue.
Is it accurate? I know it's not exact since you give averages but it seems to be well within needed accuracy ranges (only off an inch or two), especially if it's not real long range.

Thanks much.
I have a VX-3 on a 270. Honestly, I really like it. It IS an average of conditions so you have to be aware, but it has worked well the last two seasons. I bought it when Hornady had turrets available to match their ammo. I shoot SST's and they had a match already made up. I figured I would try it to see how close it was. At the range and on my ballistic app the numbers are really close. Like 1/2 moa out to 500. I took an antelope at 310yds last year. Dialed to 3 and bam dead antelope. This year had a deer at 484, dialed to 5 bam same thing. One shot on both. No wind with broadside shots.
In most cases Bailstic Turret systems are accurate out to 500-600 yards; atmospherics have minimal effect at such a short range. (Disclaimer: provided were only talking 0k-5K elevation swing).

I'm setting up my neighbors rifle: VX-R with CDS, will give you some feed back on how well it tracks, return to zero, ext..
I put one on my 7mm SAUM that is shooting Barnes 145 LRX custom loads at 3,199 FPS. I have tested the CDS out to 633 yards. I was hitting about 1.5" high at 633 yards when I dialed for 625. It was definitely close enough to keep the bullet impact in the kill zone if I do my part. I haven't used it on game yet. I installed the custom CDS after my Wyoming antelope hunt this year. I used a shooter app on the antelope hunt.
I have a few of these and really like them. I feel they work best for distances under 750. 600 might even be a little bit better. After those distances I prefer the moa dials and ballistic app. Much more accurate and consistent
I am thinking about putting a Leupold VX CDS on my rifle. I hear mostly positive reviews, with a few negatives. I would mostly use it out to 300 yards and max out at 500 in ideal conditions if I start to feel really comfortable with it.

Would it hold zero? I've had some scopes get bumped off zero with normal field use and I worry about that.
I've heard that the dial can move a little bit but that doesn't affect the zero, right? You just have to spend the extra time to twist it to whichever distance you need before shooting? I can see that it might be a little confusing if it starts out at 400 when it started on 100, but wouldn't necessarily be a serious issue.
Is it accurate? I know it's not exact since you give averages but it seems to be well within needed accuracy ranges (only off an inch or two), especially if it's not real long range.

Thanks much.

Leupolds- all Leupold models- suffer from incorrect tracking, inconsistent adjustments, failure to return to zero, and POI shifts. The vast majority of people extolling their virtues haven't ever checked them, and the ones that have usually do so by shooting a redicously large plate at relatively close ranges.

I shoot thousands of rounds a year with Leupolds and see multiple thousands shot by others, and would not trust a Leupold for dialing even to 500.
Might I ask how much deviation are you finding in these scopes that they aren't trustworthy ? I am sure if I bought a nicer (NXS,ATAC, s&b) scope it would be more accurate. But in the price range I feel they are fairly competitive.
Might I ask how much deviation are you finding in these scopes that they aren't trustworthy ? I am sure if I bought a nicer (NXS,ATAC, s&b) scope it would be more accurate. But in the price range I feel they are fairly competitive.

It's all over the board. Usually anywhere from 4-10% tracking error, RTZ after adjustments can be anywhere from nearly correct to 1-2 MOA off, POI shifts are common, etc. An easier way to state it is that within 200-250 rounds you will have something that will cause a miss on an 8" target at 400 yards.
The SWFA SS 6x42mm and 3-9x42mm scopes are way better aiming instruments and run $299 and $599 respectively.
It's all over the board. Usually anywhere from 4-10% tracking error, RTZ after adjustments can be anywhere from nearly correct to 1-2 MOA off, POI shifts are common, etc. An easier way to state it is that within 200-250 rounds you will have something that will cause a miss on an 8" target at 400 yards.

Do you have any experience with the new VX5HD scopes? Supposedly, they track better than their predecessors. I had some issues with missing an antelope this fall and haven't had a chance to get back to the range to check. It is a new scope without a lot of shooting through it yet. On that day, I did a lot of dialing and a lot of different ranges. I missed 8 times that day and I haven't missed 8 times in the last 20 years. I don't know if it was the new gun, new scope or me.
Not according to luke's tracking test on the long range forum

I've used several dozen. More than several dozen. Conservatively more than half a million rounds in the last decade. Pretty confident in what I stated.

Do you have any experience with the new VX5HD scopes? Supposedly, they track better than their predecessors. I had some issues with missing an antelope this fall and haven't had a chance to get back to the range to check. It is a new scope without a lot of shooting through it yet. On that day, I did a lot of dialing and a lot of different ranges. I missed 8 times that day and I haven't missed 8 times in the last 20 years. I don't know if it was the new gun, new scope or me.

I have. I'm not sure where this idea that Leupold changed something is coming from but I keep hearing it. The erector system is the same and suffers from all the same problems.
The CDS-ZL2 on the VX-5HDs has been dead on so far. It stops at zero and POI has been consistent for me out to 400 yards. I will be stretching it out after the new year when i start hand loading. It’s new to me this season, so my experience is whatnit is.
Form bases his evaluations on thousands of rounds and hundreds of revolutions of a turret. Fair? Yep, but not for the average hunter that doesn't spin like crazy. I don't doubt his knowledge, I just count myself lucky my Leupold's work. And I do spin them some. mtmuley
I disagree with leupold not tracking as well. I ran/run a Mark 8 CQBSS on some trips and it was always spot on; returned to zero everytime, and I trust my life with it !
Form bases his evaluations on thousands of rounds and hundreds of revolutions of a turret. Fair? Yep, but not for the average hunter that doesn't spin like crazy. I don't doubt his knowledge, I just count myself lucky my Leupold's work. And I do spin them some. mtmuley

That is true, however when I say things I try to phrase it to be useful to the intended audience. What I/we have seen with Leupold hunting scopes is that within 200-250 rounds you will see an error of some type that will cause a miss on an 8" target at 400 yards. Zero the scope, take 250 rounds of the exact same ammo and practice with the gun off of the bench. Carry it in a pack, dial the CDS out to 400-500 yards on 8"
plates, check zero regularly, and and some point within those 250 rounds you'll have an unexplained miss.

I disagree with leupold not tracking as well. I ran/run a Mark 8 CQBSS on some trips and it was always spot on; returned to zero everytime, and I trust my life with it !

While the CQBSS is probably the most reliable variable scope that Leupold produces, it is not without its issues as well.
That is true, however when I say things I try to phrase it to be useful to the intended audience. What I/we have seen with Leupold hunting scopes is that within 200-250 rounds you will see an error of some type that will cause a miss on an 8" target at 400 yards. Zero the scope, take 250 rounds of the exact same ammo and practice with the gun off of the bench. Carry it in a pack, dial the CDS out to 400-500 yards on 8"
plates, check zero regularly, and and some point within those 250 rounds you'll have an unexplained miss.

While the CQBSS is probably the most reliable variable scope that Leupold produces, it is not without its issues as well.

No chance of user error in 250 shots? I consider myself a pretty good shot, but I guarantee I'll flub it more than once in 250 shots.
HAHA! Just because people have never had an issue with said scope doesn't mean that there's not an issue.

I've had several with Mark 4s, LR VX3 and VX6.

If you shoot enough you start to see patterns, misses that don't make sense or always having to reset your zero.

I see these issues the most with Leupold and Vortex(mid range not the razor).

These issues are magnified once you pass the 600-yard mark.