One other thing to think about in FFP vs. SFP is wind holds... 95% of the time, we are dialing elevation correction using turrets, and holding wind corrections in our reticle. During hunting season I've even started taping my wind adjustment turret as I've seen them get turned a few clicks pulling out of the truck or from the case. While it's true you'll likely be shooting at max power 80% of the time, I've been in situations where the mirage was so bad we've had to shoot around 10-12X instead of 24x (or max zoom). It's really nice to know that holding that 1/2Mil for wind is always going to be 1/2Mil no matter was magnification you are on. Granted the reticle does get down there pretty small around 6X, but it's easily manageable. I've also had situations where I've bailed out of the pickup to shoot a yote and used my reticle for a holdover correction instead of taking the time to click up my turrets. Nice to not worry about what magnification you are on...
If money is tight, SFP will work just fine, you just got to be mindful of the limits of that system. It's extremely easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to zoom in all the way, or forget you already dialed up, or forgot to check to see if your windage turret got turned...etc I know from experience how many things can go wrong in that situation and its best to reduce the possibility of error or forgetting a factor.
If money is tight, SFP will work just fine, you just got to be mindful of the limits of that system. It's extremely easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to zoom in all the way, or forget you already dialed up, or forgot to check to see if your windage turret got turned...etc I know from experience how many things can go wrong in that situation and its best to reduce the possibility of error or forgetting a factor.