Leica Geovid Pro Technical Resource

I did some more testing today with the remote marker feature. I picked a spot where I could range a large water tank on a hill about 1400 yards away. I also made sure I had strong cell service just in case. I used both base map and google map and the markers are no where near I expected them to be. I could see the water tank on satellite view along with the markers. If I were in an unfamiliar area, these markers would get me lost. At this point they can’t be trusted IMO.
After thinking about this, I believe the error comes from the Leicas. The maps only display the coordinates they receive. The leicas somehow are not calibrated or they don’t know where they are. The internal compass seems to be off from actual bearing. Sitting still and ranging the same water tank several times, I was getting markers to the left and right of the tank. There wasn’t any consistency to one side. I’m done with the remote marker feature until updated. Bummer.

Previously I complained about the constant red circle and the fix was to turn the BT off. However when using the app, you want the auto off to be set on 3 or 5 minutes. 1 minute isn’t long enough to go through screens on your phone. Inevitably you will have some hiccup in the screens and the bino will time out and you have to start over. When not using the app just turn the BT off.

I think the bino can only be connected to one app at a time. If you have multiple app windows open the binos don’t connect reliability if at all. I had the Leica app, BaseMap, google map open and all were competing for connection. The binos didn’t know which one to connect to. After closing all but one app they connected without issue.
great updates, good news on the optical performance side, I decided to grab a 2700 hd-r 10x42 to put against my beloved 10x32 ultravid hd's to do my own learning on the gap between alpha and rf alpha and see if it's tight enough now, sounds like it may be and I've jumped on maybe the best non ballistic program rf alpha going

while I'm vetting this out I'll hope to see an hd-r version of these new 32mm geovids and the final question if I could get down to a single 32mm solution that alpha's within a point or two of the non rf alpha...tall ask I know, no rush, my ultravid 32/crf combo isn't going anywhere while I suss all this out ;)
great updates, good news on the optical performance side, I decided to grab a 2700 hd-r 10x42 to put against my beloved 10x32 ultravid hd's to do my own learning on the gap between alpha and rf alpha and see if it's tight enough now, sounds like it may be and I've jumped on maybe the best non ballistic program rf alpha going

while I'm vetting this out I'll hope to see an hd-r version of these new 32mm geovids and the final question if I could get down to a single 32mm solution that alpha's within a point or two of the non rf alpha...tall ask I know, no rush, my ultravid 32/crf combo isn't going anywhere while I suss all this out ;)
The 2700 hd-r glass and geovid pro glass are not equal, with the favor going to geovid pro. In both cases, the glass may be considered alpha on it's own, but when combined with the rf elements drops below alpha in my opinion. Anyone looking for optical perfection should not be looking at rf binos.
what new tech or coatings did they come up with to set off the other leica 42mm alpha's? didn't see any info regarding that, geovid pro just appears a compact version of same tech/coatings with added tech in the navigational side

I checked again, geovid pro and 2700 hd-r same same, prisms, coatings, the 3200 has one blurb about a p40 phase coating that has made mention to set it apart optically in marketing above the next one down in price range but there's no mention of the geovid pro having anything outside the existing 42mm tech so I'm not buying they will not be equal.
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what new tech or coatings did they come up with to set off the other leica 42mm alpha's? didn't see any info regarding that, geovid pro just appears a compact version of same tech/coatings with added tech in the navigational side

I checked again, geovid pro and 2700 hd-r same same, prisms, coatings, the 3200 has one blurb about a p40 phase coating that has made mention to set it apart optically in marketing above the next one down in price range but there's no mention of the geovid pro having anything outside the existing 42mm tech so I'm not buying they will not be equal.
I suggest buying one of each and comparing the two side by side... like I did. I don't buy into the marketing hype on it's own.
I suggest buying one of each and comparing the two side by side... like I did. I don't buy into the marketing hype on it's own.
well the marketing hype is all about the tech and size, nothing new optically because if there was it would be marketed up the whazzoo, I see your comments about hanging on to the hd-b until these prove themselves...good call, I'd need to field them side by side also, the size appeal to me more than anything else so a 32mm hd-r version one day would see a comparison and if I were a betting man leica is all over that already as they love to have 4 models in a given line up etc and it's clear they've launched well on this 32mm segment, they won't leave that body alone without giving us a variety of versions, leica does this more than most...that is if these hd-r's survive my ultravid hd compare to even get that far as I'm not buying any gains in optical performance between these new 32's over the 42's with all the same specs, I don't need the hd-r's to win against my current combo as I know that's impossible but I've read quite a bit that if there's an rf alpha bin that can do high level all day mountain tearing apart then it will be these hd Leica's and have read they are up to 98-99% of alpha but as many of said, see for yourself, so I will, tech mostly peaked awhile ago and most tweaks in coatings, these 32s are showing same porro's same coatings as the 42's hd's, just smaller size with a bunch of tech optionality, you're not rushing, I won't either, looks like we both find out more real soon in the field on bears, I'll be off on Friday...anyway you get to compare the 42 and 32 which you already said the 42 has the better fov, look forward to the rest of your compares when done, I have to start with hd-r vs ultravid first so I'm a bit behind
well the marketing hype is all about the tech and size, nothing new optically because if there was it would be marketed up the whazzoo, I see your comments about hanging on to the hd-b until these prove themselves...good call, I'd need to field them side by side also, the size appeal to me more than anything else so a 32mm hd-r version one day would see a comparison and if I were a betting man leica is all over that already as they love to have 4 models in a given line up etc and it's clear they've launched well on this 32mm segment, they won't leave that body alone without giving us a variety of versions, leica does this more than most...that is if these hd-r's survive my ultravid hd compare to even get that far as I'm not buying any gains in optical performance between these new 32's over the 42's with all the same specs, I don't need the hd-r's to win against my current combo as I know that's impossible but I've read quite a bit that if there's an rf alpha bin that can do high level all day mountain tearing apart then it will be these hd Leica's and have read they are up to 98-99% of alpha but as many of said, see for yourself, so I will, tech mostly peaked awhile ago and most tweaks in coatings, these 32s are showing same porro's same coatings as the 42's hd's, just smaller size with a bunch of tech optionality, you're not rushing, I won't either, looks like we both find out more real soon in the field on bears, I'll be off on Friday...anyway you get to compare the 42 and 32 which you already said the 42 has the better fov, look forward to the rest of your compares when done, I have to start with hd-r vs ultravid first so I'm a bit behind
Out of curiosity, why the hd-r vs hd-b?
what new tech or coatings did they come up with to set off the other leica 42mm alpha's? didn't see any info regarding that, geovid pro just appears a compact version of same tech/coatings with added tech in the navigational side

I checked again, geovid pro and 2700 hd-r same same, prisms, coatings, the 3200 has one blurb about a p40 phase coating that has made mention to set it apart optically in marketing above the next one down in price range but there's no mention of the geovid pro having anything outside the existing 42mm tech so I'm not buying they will not be equal.
They look different to me 🤷‍♂️
The Garmin Tactix is my watch and would Bluetooth same as Kestrel or at least it does in Sig’s and I think I figured it out you cannot have your phone and watch both trying to hook up...I assume that this would allow the Lecia to give data beyond 800 yds but haven’t tried yet
I've synced mine to the Tactix. It gives dope for any distance. And, yes, you can't have the phone BT on it will not be happy.
Out of curiosity, why the hd-r vs hd-b?
2 reasons,

1. hd-b looks like a previous model so wasn't an option, the latest models have been upgraded on distance and then split between ballistic and non-ballistic 3200.com vs 2700 hd-r, but apparently it's glass isn't any different to the other hd models in the same housing of currently available models from about 2018 onward optically, I just ordered last week, so hope it shows up in time for bear hunt so I can do some field compares while hunting

2. I run speed dial turret set to middle of my elevation/temp ranges, don't need any atmospheric or computers while hunting, just range, dial to range, hold into the wind and away it goes ;), I only need a range, angle compensated at most (which the hd-r does), it's actually perfect for my needs in any rangefinder, for the compact handheld equivalent the latest match for me would be the crf-2400-r, simplicity with no fat is where I gravitate to for hunting gear

I value this simplicity enough that I'll run the 42mm hd-r in testing for now and if it passes will wait for the geovid pro to prove it can be a navigational tool for stalking and recovery or for an hd-r version of it to downsize to as I prefer to be a 32mm guy...that doesn't sound right...

And if the geovid doesn't pass close enough to alpha for me, for sale, I stick with my 10x32 ultravid hd's and upgrade my crf-1600 to the crf-2400-r and put rf bins on the back burner for another decade to see if single unit can do what my dual unit combo can do lol.

and looking forward to seeing your thoughts between the hd-b and 32mm pro optically, doesn't seem to be anything suggesting any breakthroughs or differences across the the alpha leica rf bino lineup, one day I'll be able to do the same with the hd-r and the pro and see if we see the same things
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There's a link on the Ballistics app under the SETTINGS "cog" called "FEATURE REQUEST" where you can actually send Leica requests for features you'd like, or issues you want corrected... Whether they actually do something about it, I don't know but it at least exists.
and looking forward to seeing your thoughts between the hd-b and 32mm pro optically, doesn't seem to be anything suggesting any breakthroughs or differences across the the alpha leica rf bino lineup, one day I'll be able to do the same with the hd-r and the pro and see if we see the same things
Seems that Mhopper already answered that question according to the way his eyeballs see things. He owns/owned both and tested them side by side IIRC. Didn't he say the Pro was superior optically?
Seems that Mhopper already answered that question according to the way his eyeballs see things. He owns/owned both and tested them side by side IIRC. Didn't he say the Pro was superior optically?
I think he's a little excited still, no offence. He did say he still has to do the real field comparisons and conceded the 42 has bigger fov. And we're certainly going to see quite a few more but it takes a minute after these launches to get to something resembling reality. So much like the NL hype train I tried to slow people down on other forums to save their wallets and let the reality set in...which is now btw lol, this will be no different.

We get excited, bust, then chill out and have a smoke, and then the classifieds start filling up lol. I'm old enough to know we're going to get to the chill out and smoke phase. Optical tech has all but peaked, they can play with a few things around fov/coatings but more with size/weight/ergos and now add technical features like ballistics programs and navigational aids but not so much optically. At this point and maybe a touch of room left to try and close gap on the rf bins to alpha bins optically but that would be yelled from the rooftops by the manufacturer and it would continue to be yelled after the hype train has wore off.

Wipe the dust off those hd-b's and get to comparing afield and remove any bias and see what reality will show. There's zero indication so far that I'll be wrong...we all know about the hype train post launch is a thing, what...it's not gonna be a thing all of a sudden here? Leica didn't even try to mention anything about improved optical anything...it's all about the ballistics app/navigational stuff. Go read spec sheets on all the top geovids...the only one that stands out with a difference is the 3200.com with a particular p40 phase coating or something.

Don't get me wrong...I hope I'm wrong and the little 32 is all that and a bag of chips and can beat on the 42's and then I can get a simple hd-r version one day. However even if it is just the same as what they have in 32 mm format it's still a big win, just give me a model for less money without all the computer stuff and it's win win. It's sort of a curse being able to see the future.

All I'm saying is we should probably prepare for when the dust settles that this is just a 32mm version of what they already have with a few computer gizmos added, and that's a great thing, kudos to Leica for leading the way...again...into 32mm rf alpha bino land. I'm sure the competition has already started tooling up seeing us frothing at the mouth over this lil facker. ;)

hope they get the navigational stuff sorted as that is game changer in any size, reality though the 32mm is more compact which is a slight advantage but it's only 3 oz lighter than the 42, that 3oz and size difference may not offset the 10mm and fov and other optical compares once compared without initial hype train bias...so the navigational stuff will be key, otherwise 42's look real good and best hurry to market with an hd-r version and just a ballistic app version (without navigational tech) in the 32's, get the prices in check and guys will buy the heck out of the different level of 32's but something tells me the 42's will not be beat by 32's optically, tied at best with a low light and fov disadvantage as normal, if they made a breakthrough expect it to launch very quickly on the 42's...I just think we'd have heard about that from the horses mouth by now
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Hooked the Pro to the Tactix and ranged some trees right at dark 6.8 mil for 934yds same as my phone app says..
There's a link on the Ballistics app under the SETTINGS "cog" called "FEATURE REQUEST" where you can actually send Leica requests for features you'd like, or issues you want corrected... Whether they actually do something about it, I don't know but it at least exis
I think he's a little excited still, no offence. He did say he still has to do the real field comparisons and conceded the 42 has bigger fov. And we're certainly going to see quite a few more but it takes a minute after these launches to get to something resembling reality. So much like the NL hype train I tried to slow people down on other forums to save their wallets and let the reality set in...which is now btw lol, this will be no different.

We get excited, bust, then chill out and have a smoke, and then the classifieds start filling up lol. I'm old enough to know we're going to get to the chill out and smoke phase. Optical tech has all but peaked, they can play with a few things around fov/coatings but more with size/weight/ergos and now add technical features like ballistics programs and navigational aids but not so much optically. At this point and maybe a touch of room left to try and close gap on the rf bins to alpha bins optically but that would be yelled from the rooftops by the manufacturer and it would continue to be yelled after the hype train has wore off.

Wipe the dust off those hd-b's and get to comparing afield and remove any bias and see what reality will show. There's zero indication so far that I'll be wrong...we all know about the hype train post launch is a thing, what...it's not gonna be a thing all of a sudden here? Leica didn't even try to mention anything about improved optical anything...it's all about the ballistics app/navigational stuff. Go read spec sheets on all the top geovids...the only one that stands out with a difference is the 3200.com with a particular p40 phase coating or something.

Don't get me wrong...I hope I'm wrong and the little 32 is all that and a bag of chips and can beat on the 42's and then I can get a simple hd-r version one day. However even if it is just the same as what they have in 32 mm format it's still a big win, just give me a model for less money without all the computer stuff and it's win win. It's sort of a curse being able to see the future.

All I'm saying is we should probably prepare for when the dust settles that this is just a 32mm version of what they already have with a few computer gizmos added, and that's a great thing, kudos to Leica for leading the way...again...into 32mm rf alpha bino land. I'm sure the competition has already started tooling up seeing us frothing at the mouth over this lil facker. ;)

hope they get the navigational stuff sorted as that is game changer in any size, reality though the 32mm is more compact which is a slight advantage but it's only 3 oz lighter than the 42, that 3oz and size difference may not offset the 10mm and fov and other optical compares once compared without initial hype train bias...so the navigational stuff will be key, otherwise 42's look real good and best hurry to market with an hd-r version and just a ballistic app version (without navigational tech) in the 32's, get the prices in check and guys will buy the heck out of the different level of 32's but something tells me the 42's will not be beat by 32's optically, tied at best with a low light and fov disadvantage as normal, if they made a breakthrough expect it to launch very quickly on the 42's...I just think we'd have heard about that from the horses mouth by now
I expect backlash for this but I’m over it.

My hope and intent was to create a technical resource for users of the new Leica Geovid Pros. Instructions are not always clear or complete on highly technical instruments, as I have found with these. My hope and intent was to avoid philosophical discussions measured in inches by armchair users on minutia that the majority don’t care about. When the technical resource ceases to be just that, no one will read it. The binoculars are new and many people will have questions and I wanted to capture the most common questions here for everyone’s benefit. I’m sure I’ll get blasted for this but I don’t care. I won’t respond to the hate speech or the trolling that results. You didn’t scare me off I’m choosing not to respond in advance. I’m just bummed this is what it turned into. Enjoy your philosophy.