Legalized robbery that needs to stop.

Wyoming will not be getting a penny this year from me after over two decades of being gradually jerked around re cost to apply, points, and now tags offered as preference and random. I am done. Had some fun pronghorn hunts. Met some nice locals and ranchers. Nothing magic about Wyoming that justifies being crapped on anymore. Your tolerance as a non-resident may be higher. Good luck outliving the hundreds of point holders ahead of you and the hundreds in your point class. You will need to live a few decades more and beat the steep, steep odds. You also likely die first but if do get a tag be sure to top off your supplemental oxygen for your hunt.
I thought this was about Taxes… I was already to throw a good bitch fit about that legalized robbery!!! This is just silly, if hunting elk and muley is that important just move out west and continue with overcrowding that is well underway, then at least you can be on the right side of the argument ;)
It's not robbery if it is optional. Nobody is forced to hunt out of state or even hunt.

Of course, you could move there and support their economy year round by working there, paying taxes, purchases there, etc and not worry about being a nonresident.
It's not robbery since it's voluntary. I'd settle for just not getting the stink eye when I pull into the trailhead and locals see my out of state plates. Don't they realize that I'm subsidizing their hunting :-))
Sure they make a lot of money from NR's. Does it bother me? No. For me this is analogous to people who hate financially successful people. Wyoming is the least populated state. If looking at solely at monies, R/NR will always be skewed. (As it should be because of the lower population.) They have a great product and people are willing to pay. 'Merica.
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With a population of less than 577, 000 residents, WY. has to get revenue from someone, surly not from 577k people, a lot of who do not hunt.