I thought I was going to be able to figure people out years ago. I still got no idea what guys will do or are capable of.
I remember when I hunted the flattops in 2002, late in the day, I was WAY deep into the wilderness and I finally found the elk and I said to myself there is NO WAY some fat hog would be back in there hunting. All of the sudden I kid you not, 2 guys (Muzzleloader hunters and both of them were 5'-6" and each had to have been 300 pounds) came waddling up a creek towards me. When they saw me, they came over and told me where they had started that morning, I was shocked. They had literally covered MILES in some of the nastiest blowdown that I have seen to this day. To this day, I am still perplexed that those beef cakes were in there hunting.
My takeaway from that: Never underestimate willpower.