Legalized robbery that needs to stop.

I’ve tried to read these last few pages with a more open mind. What I see is that @ThorM465 feels there should be a type 10 or whatever tag for ON federal land only with a 50/50 res/nonres allotment?

Doesn't matter what he or the Op thinks, this stuff has been thru the courts; it's all white noise.
I guess I’m just trying to understand. Because admittedly I don’t understand…from the inflammatory titles of these threads to the direction they inevitably go regrading equal right to federal land.
You would have to be delusional to understand his thinking and still refuse to accept all the facts that have been presented to him to understand
I’ve tried to read these last few pages with a more open mind. What I see is that @ThorM465 feels there should be a type 10 or whatever tag for ON federal land only with a 50/50 res/nonres allotment?
Funny how the guy from Alabama who never has to shovel snow, seems to think he deserves the same treatment as residents who deal with much higher costs of living and winter 6+months out of the year. . If I want to know more about marrying a cousin, ill ask his advice, otherwise I just laugh at his useless posts.
Funny how the guy from Alabama who never has to shovel snow, seems to think he deserves the same treatment as residents who deal with much higher costs of living and winter 6+months out of the year. . If I want to know more about marrying a cousin, ill ask his advice, otherwise I just laugh at his useless posts.
I was literally gonna say that you WY residents deserve every hunting opportunity they give you just cause of the weather you have to put up with! Haha
I was literally gonna say that you WY residents deserve every hunting opportunity they give you just cause of the weather you have to put up with! Haha
I really think that’s why I get fired up at these; misery loves company and those that endure and contribute daily to the state simply for that few months in the fall should have priority.
^^^^^Couldn't agree with this more!!! Not to mention the amount of money a resident spends in the state over the course of a year
I think a major issue between residents and nonresidents in the west is wages. Living costs are somewhat on par (food, etc) and now that many nonres have moved instate housing is through the roof to unaffordable. Taxes have certainly escalated but wages for the residents have remained in the toilet for the average resident. There is no way that I could have raised a family in Montana at todays costs and crappy wages.
I stopped chasing elk and deer tag draws several years ago. The cost of applying and the odds of drawing a tag in some states just didn't add up for me. Might as well give your money to Jimmy Swaggert and get a prayer cloth. You're getting swindled either way.

Instead, I took the money I was spending on licenses I was never going to use or tags I was never going to get and bought 2 bird dogs and I can bird hunt from September into January. It's nice to walk into a store and be able to buy my license and tags and go hunt. Easy and relatively cheap.

I hunt multiple states a year for weeks at a time. I hunt where I can get a tag and I only hunt public land. I'm not wasting time or money filling out applications for tags I'm never going to see.
Every now and then I run into people who don't like out of state hunters. You can tell and fwiw....I don't care. That hasn't changed in the 50 years I've been hunting and it's the same everywhere. I hunt my hunt and leave them to their own misery. I have fun hunting. I have fun planning for hunts. I like buying hunting stuff. It is what you make of it, so if you aren't having fun or can't afford it, then make some changes. It's that simple.

People get all worked up this time of year, on these forums over tags and the stupid cost for out of state hunters and who should get what. It is what it is. One group of people not worrying about it are the politicians. They get to spend the millions we pay into the system and they could care less about us, the game or the quality of our hunting. They think we're rubes and we're not doing anything to prove otherwise. Every now and then they throw us a scrap or two, so we keep voting for them and then we fight amongst ourselves for the left overs. Brilliant.
I’ve tried to read these last few pages with a more open mind. What I see is that @ThorM465 feels there should be a type 10 or whatever tag for ON federal land only with a 50/50 res/nonres allotment?
Very close. I'm suggesting that the NR/resident designation should be removed from this proposed federal land tag.
And in the event those federal lands lie within a general unit like many do, they would be off limits for general tag holders?
A fine wishing program. Bottom line-- federal land for camping - state game for hunting. Give it up. If it really matters take your severe cut in pay and move like the rest of us. You can't have your druthers.
Put your money in the Lottery. Better odds of you winning than this happening.
And in the event those federal lands lie within a general unit like many do, they would be off limits for general tag holders?

Seems to be the plan. No resident preference, by price or availability for the vast majority of Elk hunting in the state (or the country for that matter)

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Seems to be the plan. No resident preference, by price or availability for the vast majority of Elk hunting in the state (or the country for that matter)

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Ya. I’m just trying to understand the mentality…and admittedly I’m having trouble.