Legalized robbery that needs to stop.

Per capita isn't a criteria. It's a unit of measurement. If you have a state population of 1,000,000 people and 1,000 commit suicide, that's a 0.1% suicide rate. If California has 50M people and they have 10,000 suicides, that's 0.02%. Your state suicide rate is higher. Period, that's how it works. Same with HS graduation rate. Same with Federal funding.

There is no other way to come up with a "rate" without dividing the subject variable by the defined group size. Per capita numbers are actually more relevant than gross numbers, without defining the sample size, there is no benchmark for comparison. Per capita is an excellent metric for the point I'm making.

I get what you mean about the earth being flat example and anybody being able to argue anything, which is valid, but this isn't the same thing. I'm not sure why so many are denying the facts. Anybody who has facts to the contrary of what I just posted, since others seem to attribute this to me wanting to "prove my point", post up some tangible numbers from a legitimate source to prove me wrong. I'll be the first to admit it if you can find them, but I bet you don't.

What I posted came from the US Census Bureau. True, they screwed up and put Minnesota in their footnote instead of Montana within the mountain region. Throw out the mountain region then, just compare it to the rest of the country. Also, just because you live there doesn't mean you know anything about anything. All of your statements come from your assumptions, with nothing tangible to back it up.
You’re right. You win.
The facts remain:
It’s not robbery.
Wyoming has a different regulation related to what can be done on federal land.
I’ll reflect deeply on all this in September as I decide what bull the wind is right for on the wilderness unit I am hunting at that time.
Could split nr tags up by how much federal land you have in your state. You have nothing to offer you get no tags. I think I should be able to hunt ducks on public land in Arkansas any time I want because we hatch all the ducks up north……….. sarcasm
Now there is an idea, Western states allocate tags based on opportunities afforded to hunt by other Midwest-eastern states? Love to hear guys who get absurd amount of ungulates tags often mixed in with hogs, be like: “I’m so sad that I don’t get to hunt elk every year and shoot 15 whitetails in my back yard! Harrrrumph”
You’re right. You win.
The facts remain:
It’s not robbery.
Wyoming has a different regulation related to what can be done on federal land.
I’ll reflect deeply on all this in September as I decide what bull the wind is right for on the wilderness unit I am hunting at that time.
Can’t wait for the day I can move to Wyoming and be okay in wilderness areas!!! It’s not like I’ve spent countless weeks out my backdoor in wilderness areas 60 miles to the south, but I know Wyoming wilderness areas are dangerous when you are hunting… but not camping, or fishing or backpacking… haha
It is actually written into law for each state that they can do so. The game animals belong to the residents of each state.
So where’s our cut of the action? We don’t own anything in the government’s eyes. If we “owned” the game, we could just allocate tags through a free lottery in order to keep things fair. No points, license fees, transaction fees, and other b.s. We gave up our say a long, long time ago.
You’re right. You win.
The facts remain:
It’s not robbery.
Wyoming has a different regulation related to what can be done on federal land.
I’ll reflect deeply on all this in September as I decide what bull the wind is right for on the wilderness unit I am hunting at that time.
100% agree with you it's not robbery.
NR's don't have to buy into the WGFD licensing system.
I don't like how it's structured, but I still pay into it.

I hope the bull you pick is a good one. Good luck.
If the Feds had to manage hunting and fishing on Federal land they would give up and give all the land to the States who would sell it off or do what they want. Would you all still bitch if the state owned all the land?

Residents who understand established case law reading this thread...

I bet there are posters (both R and NR) that have spent more time posting in this thread than they have contacting/working with groups like RMEF, CRWM, HOWL, MDF, etc...; yet they feel like their dollars alone entitle them to more of the pie.

Every year this thread happens, and every time it runs to multiple pages and ends the same.
Every year this thread happens, and every time it runs to multiple pages and ends the same.
Every year? Its like the 3rd one already this year. Always WY. We may get a good CO one when NR realize they lost tags there, but I don't think many know that yet. Very rarely a MT thread, but could be cause that system has so many confused how it actually works.
Every year? It’s like the 3rd one already this year. Always WY. We may get a good CO one when NR realize they lost tags there, but I don't think many know that yet. Very rarely a MT thread, but could be cause that system has so many confused how it actually works.
eh… most guys give Co the pass since they know she is old reliable… they act like they will never come back but there they are 2am, bar closing…. They give the old OTC a ring only to leave feeling disappointed and dirty as usual
eh… most guys give Co the pass since they know she is old reliable…
You said that right. CO is like that girl in your old apartment complex that was always“available “

And like CO, there may have been a lot of people pounding that slice of heaven before you got there, but at least you got an opportunity. The hardest part was always the drive home.
States own the wildlife in the sate.... Ha! That is exactly why we can hunt grizzlies in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming...

The states are only allowed to "legally" do what the government allows them to do... and the government implements discretionary enforcement to justify not throwing people in jail for doing things that states allow but the government does not... like distill moonshine in MO [allowed by MO, prohibited by Feds].

If states truly "owned" the wildlife in the state, we would be hunting grizz in the lower 48.

States manage... government owns.
States own the wildlife in the sate.... Ha! That is exactly why we can hunt grizzlies in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming...

The states are only allowed to "legally" do what the government allows them to do... and the government implements discretionary enforcement to justify not throwing people in jail for doing things that states allow but the government does not... like distill moonshine in MO [allowed by MO, prohibited by Feds].

If states truly "owned" the wildlife in the state, we would be hunting grizz in the lower 48.

States manage... government owns.
A but we must remember the golden rule...., those that have the gold make the rules.

Wyoming is consistently in the top 10 States that receive the most federal funding and in fact according to several easy to find sources no state relies more on funding from the federal government than Wyoming, where 56.43% of the state’s revenue comes from Washington D.C. Wyoming also has the ninth-largest difference between federal dollars received and income taxes paid. For every $1 dollar in income tax that’s paid in Wyoming, the state receives $1.36 in federal funding. (Montana, Idaho and New Mexico are also generally in the top 10).
A but we must remember the golden rule...., those that have the gold make the rules.

Wyoming is consistently in the top 10 States that receive the most federal funding and in fact according to several easy to find sources no state relies more on funding from the federal government than Wyoming, where 56.43% of the state’s revenue comes from Washington D.C. Wyoming also has the ninth-largest difference between federal dollars received and income taxes paid. For every $1 dollar in income tax that’s paid in Wyoming, the state receives $1.36 in federal funding. (Montana, Idaho and New Mexico are also generally in the top 10).
Looks like wyoming residents get a good return on there investment to me haha. Not our fault you all make bad decisions where you live.....we also give out the lowest rate of public welfare shown earlier in this thread so at least the extra money we get goes to thing that have value Healthcare, school systems, roads so you guy can get to your favorite hunting locations when you draw tags and the 6 million tourist that come to wyoming every year and do way more for wyoming then most of you complaining do
Looks like wyoming residents get a good return on there investment to me haha. Not our fault you all make bad decisions where you live.....we also give out the lowest rate of public welfare shown earlier in this thread so at least the extra money we get goes to thing that have value Healthcare, school systems, roads so you guy can get to your favorite hunting locations when you draw tags and the 6 million tourist that come to wyoming every year and do way more for wyoming then most of you complaining do
6 million tourists… Co is pushing like 80 million a year :( man I really want to move north, by the time I do I’m scared that wyo will be heading the way of Co…
6 million tourists… Co is pushing like 80 million a year :( man I really want to move north, by the time I do I’m scared that wyo will be heading the way of Co…
Ha that's alot for us remember we are just a welfare state of 600k people. We are lucky anyone comes here......I hope wyoming never gets anywhere near colorado numbers 6 million is to many.
Ha that's alot for us remember we are just a welfare state of 600k people. We are lucky anyone comes here......I hope wyoming never gets anywhere near colorado numbers 6 million is to many.
Right haha… well who knows what the future has in store but I’d love to trade out my greenie license plates for some cowboy state ones
Every time I see this robbery thread pushed to the top, I assume it's talking about the prices for used SWFAs in the classifieds.......
That would at least be legitimate argument unlike this worn out nonsense.

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