Leatherman favorites

+1 Skeletool. Ive abused it in ways that have broken other tools. Whatever metal its made of has held up well and its in my pocket being used daily. Going on 1.5 years like its new. Next purchase is the bit driver set that goes with it.
The Squirt. I have at two available at all times and give an extra to a friend most trips.
I just bought the P2 Free. It's pretty good so far. Fun to fiddle with too. You can also get the P4 Free if you want a few more tools. I prefer a little lighter with a few less tools, because then I'm more inclined to carry it.
I don't expect them to last forever and replace them every couple of years when they wear out - tools get dull, things get seized up...
Old model Wave, probably 1st gen.
Carry a wingman at work, want a skel tool

Love my Gerber centerdrive, its just so damn big with the bit kit.
I’ve been using the wave for 20+ years. I can’t count how many times I’ve sent them in for warranty and they’re always replaced quickly, no questions asked. The steel isn’t very good and the quality has been going downhill but I’ll always have one in the truck, one in the boat and one in my pocket at work.
Skeletool for me everyday. Carries like a simple folding knife.

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I just bought the P2 Free. It's pretty good so far. Fun to fiddle with too. You can also get the P4 Free if you want a few more tools. I prefer a little lighter with a few less tools, because then I'm more inclined to carry it.
I don't expect them to last forever and replace them every couple of years when they wear out - tools get dull, things get seized up...

I’ve been eyeing the p2 free. What do you think? Is it light enough to reasonably clip carry in a pocket or is it sheath only?

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I have 2 favorites, one full size carried in a sheath, the other a micro carried on my key chain in a pocket.
Full size: Leatherman PST-II
Pocket: Gerber Dime Micro Tool

I carried my PST-II in Afgh in 2002 and in Iraq 2007, but it was damaged when my Iraqi soldiers used it to cut full sized concertina wire (idiots!). PST-II was discontinued by then, so I had to find a new old stock PST-II on Fleabay and pay up the wazoo for it. I like it because it is streamlined for a full size, has a partially serrated blade and has nice scissors.

I don't always wear a belt and the PST-II is too big to pocket carry, so I carry the Gerber Dime when I'm not wearing a belt.
I’ve been eyeing the p2 free. What do you think? Is it light enough to reasonably clip carry in a pocket or is it sheath only?

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I’ve been clip carrying it and it is working good for me.
The opening action with the magnets is pretty cool. It is definitely a new generation of tool for Leatherman.
I’ve had several leatherman tools over the years starting with the original pst that I used for a long time and eventually lost. I have liked them all and still have a few different ones including a charge ti that is neat with the extra bit set, but I found an original pat that was in perfect condition a few years ago and have d it on my belt at work every day since. It’s a great combination of slim and light enough and capable enough that i figure if I need anything more I probably need the actual tool I’m trying to work around. As for hunting, which is probably what you’re asking about I don’t carry a multi tool. I pretty much always have an old camillus what-a-knife that has a blade and a flat screwdriver/bottle opener and has always been a great utility tool for me. I got mine in a $5 box at a gun show years ago and have had my eye out for a back up since. I will probably have to resort to eBay to find another, but somehow mine disappears and always pops back up later unexpectedly. I don’t know about the new leathermans, but the old ones seemed to have pretty good blades and mine have been solid tools over the years. I would think that it would be pretty easy to replace the tools you would not want or need with a washer to save some weight if that was what you were going for, just an idea…
Wingman everyday in my pocket like a knife, I cant do shit on my belt.

For a little pocket tool its about perfect, has a pocket clip, small, lightweight and pretty ergonomic in your hand. Ive tried others they just dont fit my hand as nice.
I don’t carry one daily but I have a wingman that stays in my pack and a skeletool for the truck. I’m not a huge believer in multi tools but it’s been handy in the field a couple times for misc repairs, the saw is nice if you split the sternum or pelvis
I have a Wave and a Supertool. I either wear or carry the Supertool in my pack when I'm hunting. I carry the Wave when I'm just tinkering around the house/deer lease etc. I don't carry one every day though, I really only need a knife for my day to day at work.
I have a surge and a skeletool.....the surge is for hunting trips etc. on belt. The skeleton in my pocket generally when I remember to grab it. Neither have been christened yet I am a recent convert to leathermans and unfortunately live in town. The skeletool carries much nicer than the surge, I bought the surge due to getting a great deal I couldn't refuse. My son has a sidekick, and he loves that one.
I have the Leatherman Charge in Ti. A bit overkill, but it always has the tools I need. If I were to daily carry, I would probably go with the new Curl.
i always carry my bino harness (basically a chest rig) for literally any outdoor activity, and a Leatherman product has lived in it for a decade. Started with a Wave, and really just never used the additional tools. Switched to carrying a Skeletool CX, and have been happy with the switch. From a hunting perspective, the blade covers my initial hide cut/joint cut duties, with a havalon following. Pliers also help with havalon blade changes, and pulling hide. The bit driver is theoretically handy, but haven’t needed it in the field so far. I keep my tags, headlamp, fire starter, and a few other essentials in my Bino harness, so the skeletool is a nice complement to always have a blade on me but out of the way.