Well, it starts in August when it is in the mid 90's and nothing was moving. I had a bunch of trail cams in different types of spots, water, bedding areas, well used trails. All the bulls stayed nocturnal. I have horses so I went pretty deep in several times and it didn't matter, same results the elk stayed in the deep, thick pine forests. Sitting on water I caught cows and calves several times, never even a spike during shooting hours. The hunting pressure was off the charts all season long, an absurd amount of spike hunters running around during early part of the hunt. Bad luck with a late summer blizzard which I was hoping would help kick off the rut, did not. The elk stayed holed up in the thick timber. Couldn't even glass up bulls coming out to feed or water in shooting light. That being said the 3 different areas I focused on I had a TON of bulls on camera, at night. Once spike hunt ended the pressure was still strong, I was mind blown at the amount of hunters with the same limited entry tag I had. I took work off and hunted the last 8 days of the hunt straight and never even got into a bull/ I have hunted my entire life and although I am not a pro I would consider myself a good hunter. I am super active and can hike hard and put time in, none of that mattered. They did not talk at all the whole hunt, no bugles except the last morning of the hunt I actually got a little noise action. It was just too damn hot, too much pressure, and the hunt ends well before they are rutting. Last year I shot a 6 point on opening day of the rifle hunt with the three season tag by calling him in on a line. Utah has the dates wrong for archery elk. I hunted super hard the last few years archery in Utah and just kept telling myself it was due to being on public general tag unit, not the case. Also there are freaking sheep everywhere in this unit, and I literally watched their dumb dogs chase a few young elk. I would keep saving your points and go to a legit unit that is actually managed as a limited entry should be, better yet save your money and go out of state so you can actually archery hunt elk during the rut when it is not 100 degrees outside and they are laying in the thickest garbage they can find that no one could sneak in on trying not to die from heat stroke