Last three books you've read?

I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes - far fetched thriller but a page turner

Nobody's Son by Cathy Glass - for book club, standard misery lit not my thing

The Girl in the Glass Tower by Elizabeth Freemantle - historical fiction, started well but didn't really go anywhere.

I sound like a fussy cow don't I? Currently on Revelation (Shardlake #4) - brilliant
Carl Akeley's Africa, which I will publish in ebook soon
The Man-Eating Leopard of Rudraprayag, which I will publish as an audiobook soon
*Unnamed book* about ivory poaching and terrorism that I will publish later this year.

All work, no play, it seems...
- All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Elk of North America: Ecology and Management by Jack Ward Thomas
The Physchology of Money by Morgan House
Shoe Dog by Phil Knight (founder of NIKE)
Natural Born Hero’s by Christopher McDougall
The Norman's- From Raiders to Kings by Lars Brownworth
Fifty Years on the Trail by John Y Nelson
Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield
K2: The Savage Mountain: Houston, Bates, Wickwire
Sailing Around The World Alone: Joshua Slocum
Take These Men: Tank Warfare with the Desert Rats: Cyril Joly
The Chickamauga Campaign -David Powell (freaking workout to read this highly detailed account)
The Wall: Rome's Greatest Frontier - Alistair Moffat
A People's History of the United States -Howard Zinn
My last 3;
Atlas Shrugged- ( I went back and read this one after reading it decades ago) very long tale of dysopian America, written in 1957 but still relevant with similarities to the recent Biden admins bureaucrat America and what happens when Government takes away incentives to succeed. Good but long.

Demon Copperhead- Story of a Foster kids rough upbringing, this should be required reading in school of anyone that has kids. Why are the kids of today weak and not resilient? Good but not great

The Crash; Frieda Mcfaddens books are always good psychological thrillers. This one has a lot of the mental anguish from the central character that wore on me....but good story and I liked the ending. It's decent but some of her others are considerably better.
Last one I finished:
Onyx Storm

Currently reading in a book club (a little over half way done):
Desiring God

Second to last book I finished:
How to pray