I'm 61, I don't think I've read 3 books since high school, so I'll disqualify myself. I'm just not a reader. I have been reading one of Aaron Franklins books, mostly on airplanes but I'm a third of the way through it in 3 years or so.
The Emerald Mile - Kevin Fedarko (10/10, will be re-reading shortly)
Brave the Wild River - Melissa L. Sevigny (9.5/10)
Covered with Night - Nicole Eustace (5/10, slow, not much of a story)
Work has been really slow, so after I catch up on weekly podcasts I'm finishing a book every day or two depending on how good they are.
A couple more I recently listened to that were very good:
A World on the Wing - Scott Weidensaul
Trail of the Lost - Andrea Lankford