Last minute Nevada archery mule deer tag need help!


Jan 7, 2020
Hi all! I was lucky enough to grab a returned tag for eastern NV archery mule deer. I have been bow hunting for about 5 years and have yet to take an animal so I am thrilled for this opportunity. With the last minute tag grab I will only have one weekend to hunt, so any information to help me with a starting point would be greatly appreciated. I am dropping pins on OnX, focusing on north facing bowls above 8,000’ that show springs nearby. It’s a large area so I’m really just throwing darts at the map though until I get boots on the ground. If anyone is willing to share their experience to help me make the most of my limited hunt time that would be awesome! Thanks all.
Last edited:
Mar 27, 2019
Lyon County, NV
You might want to edit this to delete the unit you're in - it's against the forum's rules to ask for help about specific units.


1) Don't worry about water. Muleys can go for days without water, and have no problem walking miles for it. Focus on finding their food. Hunt the edges of cuts and timberlines to find well-traveled trails, then follow those to food. Find a place to ambush hunt at dawn and dusk on those trails, or near the food.

2) Find a guide. Seriously. Only 1 weekend to hunt, and no time to scout it out? Plus, an archery tag? That's a tough ask if you aren't willing to arrow the first buck you get into. Doable, but man, those are some tight constraints.

Good luck!


Jan 7, 2020
You might want to edit this to delete the unit you're in - it's against the forum's rules to ask for help about specific units.


1) Don't worry about water. Muleys can go for days without water, and have no problem walking miles for it. Focus on finding their food. Hunt the edges of cuts and timberlines to find well-traveled trails, then follow those to food. Find a place to ambush hunt at dawn and dusk on those trails, or near the food.

2) Find a guide. Seriously. Only 1 weekend to hunt, and no time to scout it out? Plus, an archery tag? That's a tough ask if you aren't willing to arrow the first buck you get into. Doable, but man, those are some tight constraints.

Good luck!
Thank you and I edited out the unit at your suggestion. I may be able to get two weekends in, just going to give it hell and see what I can turn up!