Last minute California marble mountain elk tag

Mar 13, 2017
Chico, California
So early this year i found out i found out I was an alternate for the Marble Mountain bull elk tag here in California. Obviously this is a fairly coveted tag. All the deadlines came and passed so i wrote it off that was not going to happen. Well two days ago i get a call and for whatever reason someone had to turn in a tag... the season starts next wednesday. I was a little worried about taking a tag I had zero time to prepare for. But i called my boss and i could get the entire two weeks off of work. then I called the other boss and well she said ok too. (that wasnt really ever going to be an issue) so now 5 days before the season starts I am in possession of a California Bull Elk Tag. I have spent the last two days on the phone with biologists, guides, other hunters, etc. I have a few locations pinned down and I am leaving sunday to scout for three days, set up camp and make it happen. And I am mostly going to be by myself. To say i am damn excited would understate it. Sure a little nervous about not having had time to physically get boots on the ground but i have damn good data and a lot of people helping our remotely. I like my odds. whoop whoop... gonna be an adventure.
Good luck! Any elk tag here is a treasure. Crazy story; the Hunters Ed instructor my daughter and I went to a few years ago had drawn two elk tags, in back to back years, and killed two bulls. That is some crazy luck! Make sure to do post hunt wrap up.
If you need a few ideas that would be hunting from the truck let me know. I see elk there every year and so far I'm three for three for bulls.
curious how many points you had? Good luck !
He would either be max points soni think that's 18 now. Or he got it on the random. Normally four tags go to the random for that zone.

The bulls in that area that are called in are generally really big mature bulls. I haven't seen any rag horns. I've only seen mature bulls or spikes.
He would either be max points soni think that's 18 now. Or he got it on the random. Normally four tags go to the random for that zone.

The bulls in that area that are called in are generally really big mature bulls. I haven't seen any rag horns. I've only seen mature bulls or spikes.
i was one point short of maximum (i had 17 going into the year)and i was told i drew on the point draw not on the random, i had a pretty long convo with them to decide if i wanted to take the tag. I was a little nervous about taking a tag that i did not have adequate time to prepare for and one factor that almost had me turning down the tag is that i did draw it as a point draw and not random so I would have a decent chance of drawing again soon if the trends stay the same. of course 100 max point holders could apply next year. that was not a chance i wanted to take. last year there were 35 max point holders apply for the 27 pref point tags.. this year it must have went down to where some of us with one less than max got into the preference point draw. they told me a couple people with one less than max got drawn in the original drawing.
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heck yeah man!!! i understand the concern, but i'm glad you went for it.... you can learn a lot in 2 weeks as you go, that's a lot of checking places, and it only takes that single encounter.

you'll get it done, and please update this thread as you go, lots of us would like to follow the hunt, good luck!
Best of luck and I’ll be following along for sure. Drawing a bull tag certainly doesn’t happen often if at all for some.
You damn sure made the right choice! You may have never been drawn the rest of your life. Now earn it!
Congrats on your good fortune and pulling that tag. I will bet a beer that you don't regret taking it! How fun, enjoy every minute!
Got it figured out... what a day

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