Larger diameter Vortex Razor HD 12x50 vs smaller (but higher quality) Maven B.2 11x45


Jan 1, 2021
Currently have the Razor HD 12x50 binoculars from Vortex (regular HD, not the UHD) and thinking of upgrading to something with higher-end Abbe-Koenig prism like the Razor UHD 12x50 but don't want to spend $2000+. The Maven B.2 11x45 is a great option with Abbe-Koenig prism for around $1000, but has smaller objective lens diameter (45mm vs 50mm of the Vortex) & less magnification (11x vs 12x of the Vortex).

I REALLY like the extra magnification of 12x binos and primarily use them off a tripod, with occasional quick hand held use.

When comparing the above two, would the larger size of the 12x50 Vortex HD with slightly less crisp Schmidt-Pechan prisms be enough to beat out the higher quality Abbe-Koenig prism equipped 11x45 Maven B.2 because the Vortex HD has a larger objective lens diameter?

I also of course have to consider the Maven B.6 12x50 but I'd expect those to essentially be equivalent to the Vortex Razor HD 12x50 since they both have Schmidt-Pechan prisms and are both 12x50. On that note, anxiously awaiting the test result in this thread where Jared Bloomgren says "Well you’re in luck as I have been testing this (Maven B.6 12x50) next to the Vortex Razor HD and UHD in 12x50s..."

For what it's worth, the exit pupil of the Maven B.2 11x45 is slightly smaller at 4.1mm vs. the 4.2mm exit pupil of the Vortex Razor HD 12x50 and the Maven B.6 12x50.

In summary, I'm weighing the following ~$1000 options for primary use off a tripod:
Vortex Razor HD 12x50 (Schmidt-Pechan prism) vs.
Maven B.6 12x50 (Schmidt-Pechan prism) vs.
Maven B.2 11x45 (Abbe-Koenig prism)
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I've owned all three of those at some point.

The B2 and B6 in my opinion are both better than the Razor, but not by a crazy margin. I thought the depth of focus was a bit too shallow on the B2. The optics are great.

The B6 is optically every bit as good as the B2, but is noticeably lighter and handier. Maven lists the transmission on the B6 as 93.8% and the B2 as 94.8%. I doubt anyone could tell the difference. The extra magnification and objective diameter likely make up for it. The B2 was noticeably easier for me to handhold.

I currently have the 12x50 B6 as my primary tripod bino with no plans to upgrade. Try the demo program, that way if the difference doesn't justify the cost you can just return it.
I can't say anything for the B6's but I've owned the B2s and those Razors and I ended up with the B2s. Like yourself I always was a 12 power guy and was worried about going down to 11 power, after a couple years with my B2s 11 power makes no difference to me still just as effective as I was with 12's. The Razor is a good bino but I think it'd be worth it to go with maven. When I was comparing the two the B2s had better edge clarity and the color- I really like the view through the mavens- not to say Razors aren't good, I just think mavens are better at the price.
I think B2 is nice but I don’t like the focus. I preferred the Sig Zulu9 (same exact bino from
Same factor as B2) due to focus. Also, Sig is often cheaper. Same warranty. Bigger company standing behind it though.
I have the B6 10x50’s. I was in the same boat as you but was wanting the UHD razors. I did a lot of research and decided to save the money and get the mavens. I doubt I could tell the difference between the two. I’m beyond impressed with the Mavens. They should be priced with. The UHD razors. Your not buying less bingo, your just saving money for a rifle or ammo or whatever your little heart desires. You could also “borrow” a pair of them from maven to see if they will work for you.
I think B2 is nice but I don’t like the focus. I preferred the Sig Zulu9 (same exact bino from
Same factor as B2) due to focus. Also, Sig is often cheaper. Same warranty. Bigger company standing behind it though.
Stumbled across this post, didn't realize Sig had this kind of warranty. Any experience using it? To your point, bigger company standing behind it.
I have the B6 10x50’s. I was in the same boat as you but was wanting the UHD razors. I did a lot of research and decided to save the money and get the mavens. I doubt I could tell the difference between the two. I’m beyond impressed with the Mavens. They should be priced with. The UHD razors. Your not buying less bingo, your just saving money for a rifle or ammo or whatever your little heart desires. You could also “borrow” a pair of them from maven to see if they will work for you.

With perfect conditions and a steady tripod, how far can you clearly see and tell if a buck has atleast 2 points or more with your B6 ?

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