Lakes in CO to hike into to fish

Look up the book “A Fly Fishing Guide to Rocky Mountain National Park” by Steven Schweitzer. It’s probably the most comprehensive resource for fishing the park, what lakes and streams hold fish and what species. I fish the park a lot, despite the crowds at trailheads, there’s some really good fishing and the scenery is amazing.

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I took my kids to our favorite spot they week after July 4th this year and there was still ice on many of the lakes. All the passes in that area were still snowed shut. May-June is pretty early for alpine fishing…

If you Google it there’s a ton of information, you just have to decide what area you want to go and hone in from there.
I took my kids to our favorite spot they week after July 4th this year and there was still ice on many of the lakes. All the passes in that area were still snowed shut. May-June is pretty early for alpine fishing…

If you Google it there’s a ton of information, you just have to decide what area you want to go and hone in from there.
Great point! It was definitely a late start for alpine activity this year, a little unusual but definitely worth keeping in mind.
Not planning a 5 day deal. Think the wife would scoff at that some.
Looking for maybe 2 nights tops.
Mainly looking for an out and back hike. 5-6 miles total give or take a bit.
Have a little back packing experience but not like most here but i think ill be good for a few nights.
From missouri so the altitude could be a problem but we will be staying at family house which is at 7k for a few days to acclimate some.
Time of year is May-June area
I understand that its like hunting and is blown up pretty much everywhere. But i am not looking for trophy fishing or anything like that. Wife wants to hike and camp, as do I and i would also like to fish as well. The fishing part is just a bonus to the hiking and camping but would love to catch some while we are there.
All the lakes that I fish will have ice on them still and cutthroat fishing is best after the spawn in my opinion which up high, is late.

Good luck, that time frame, I'd just pick a nice river and be done with it.

As others have said, most of the high lakes will still be iced over in May/June. Here's a pic of one of my favorite lakes in early July. Call the local fly shop of where you'll be and they'll give you the best options for that area.
IMG_1238.jpg resize.jpgNunya Lake.jpg resize.jpg