KUIU Zipper repair


Feb 28, 2014
Sandpoint Idaho/ Whitesboro Texas
So I have a KUIU jacket that I bought last fall and wear pretty much everyday. The zipper has parted about 3 inches up from the bottom. It will zip all the way up but then come apart . Any way to fix it ?
I know its normal wear and tear but try contacting them? Alot of places will honor a warranty repair on wear and tear like that.

Only way to fix it is a new zipper. If they won't fix it you should be able to find someone that can sew to replace a zipper pretty cheap.
I had a zipper break after a year of normal use. At that time they had a third party company fix it free of cost. Get ahold of customer service, they should take care of you.
I've had this happen several times. Usually the channells that "Y" out and have the inner shape similar to a "C" that the fabric travels between needs to be pinched together. Pulling the zipper up and down seperates that part and pinching it together just a tiny bit fixes it. Use a needle nose plier. You can rub some soap or wax on it to lube it up.
I’ve had really bad luck with Kiuiu zippers. No hard use and they fail on me. Luckily they replace them no questions asks

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They put pride in their zippers. I can't see them giving you a tough time with replacement if you give them a call.
They'll likely send you a new jacket. I had a snap shirt that lost a button and they gave me a new one. It was probably 3 years old and I used it a lot. Their lifetime warranty is legit.

I was going to send back another snap shirt for the same problem and due to the virus crap they told me to keep it but they also gave me credit toward something new.

Their service is excellent.
I too have a zipper issue with a pair of Attack pants. The hip vent zippers always come unzipped from the bottom up, even if just lounging around the house. I haven't contacted them yet but plan to as soon as I get back from my bear hunt in a couple of weeks.