Anyone own both of these bags and can give me feedback? I have the Venture 1800. Like the pack but it seems very light duty. Will be used as a day pack. Don't care about hauling. I will only be used to carry accessories, lunch, and water.
The 1800 has held up fine and is durable but material is thin and don't care for the strap system if you are using the water pockets for accessories. I have a 22mag but it is heavy and is bulky. Looking at the k4 2200 now.
Thoughts? I think I can buy 6 of the Kuiu packs (sale) for the price of the K4 or my 22 mag. Haven't been able to see or handle the K4 system in person.
The 1800 has held up fine and is durable but material is thin and don't care for the strap system if you are using the water pockets for accessories. I have a 22mag but it is heavy and is bulky. Looking at the k4 2200 now.
Thoughts? I think I can buy 6 of the Kuiu packs (sale) for the price of the K4 or my 22 mag. Haven't been able to see or handle the K4 system in person.