kuiu gaiters are awesome


Mar 28, 2012
SE Wisconsin
I know people have mentioned it inside of various gaiter threads, but i thought id start one specifically about the kuiu gaiters.

the only gaiters ive used prior to this are kenetreks which i have always hated, but they did get the job done. these kuiu's fit great, they are much quieter, and latch closed easily and nice and tight. I was out in snow from 14 inches to almost 3ft deep yesterday all day, i was totally impressed when i took off the gaiters and my pants and boot tops were completely dry......with my kenetreks snow always managed to force its way in, love these!!

i highly recommend them if you're looking for a pair of gaiters
Can anybody speak for the durability of these gaiters?

going to have to find one of the people that got the initial order, unless you want my opinion based on feel.......i think they will be totally fine for big game hunting, am not sure for constant wear and tear of bird hunting and constant briers and what not
Can anybody speak for the durability of these gaiters?

They are awesome and extremely durable. I have over 100 miles on mine this year in everything from rock scree to Huckleberries to 14" of snow and while they look used, you can't even see any threads fraying or scuff marks. Very impressed!

This is good news, I'm on the wait list for Vias. Although I might have to order a gray pair for my late season archery hunt later this month... Decisions decisions!
Can someone compare/contrast these with the OR Crocodile gaiters? The OR's pretty much set the standard, and I'd be interested with how the Kuiu compare.
I've used them for quite sometime. I'm hard on stuff and they've held up well. I've used Kenetreks but prefer KUIU gaiters do to the top snap is a better design IMO.
Gonna have to try these myself. I have Kenes and like everything about them, except the stinkin' top snap. Yesterday, I wrapped it in electrical tape, and they finally never came unsnapped.
I have both th OR crocs and these, for non hunting all around dependable gaiters you can't go wrong with the OR's. Now for hunting I really like the Kuiu because they are quiet and well built. I got mine in their first wave and have zero complaints but will only use them for hunting and abuse the OR's any other time.
I know people have mentioned it inside of various gaiter threads, but i thought id start one specifically about the kuiu gaiters.

the only gaiters ive used prior to this are kenetreks which i have always hated, but they did get the job done. these kuiu's fit great, they are much quieter, and latch closed easily and nice and tight. I was out in snow from 14 inches to almost 3ft deep yesterday all day, i was totally impressed when i took off the gaiters and my pants and boot tops were completely dry......with my kenetreks snow always managed to force its way in, love these!!

i highly recommend them if you're looking for a pair of gaiters

What was wrong with the KENNETREK's?
That's good information. I have been looking forever for a really good gaiter. I tried on the Kenetrek and just didn't care for it that much, and it appears you guys hate the snap on it. I'll have to check out the Kuiu.
Gonna have to try these myself. I have Kenes and like everything about them, except the stinkin' top snap. Yesterday, I wrapped it in electrical tape, and they finally never came unsnapped.

you'll love them. they are a quieter version of the kenetreks with a snap top that actually works. i have used them now on several all day hunts in deep snow and they stay snapped shut tight, and not to mention are EASY to snap shut. my kenetreks were a PITA. i highly recommend the kuiu gaiters, i don't know why kenetrek hasn't changed that top snap design yet, it's horrible.

sizing wise, unless your calf is huge i am thinking most people will be a large unless you are using thick layers of clothing, i don't have chicken stick legs and i will have to return my XL's, i ended up getting a large.
What was wrong with the KENNETREK's?

mostly the snap on top, kenetreks are a fairly nice gaiter at least in my opinion. the snap on top is a nightmare, it always popped open and snow would get down the gaiter before i realized it, and it was a PITA to snap shut again....that is really the only major issue i have with the kenetrek gaiter.....the kuiu's have a better snap, and are a bit quieter