Kuiu Bear Stink

Sounds like solids for base layer is the way to go, or sythetics. Of course I bought into the camo pattern but they will smell me long before they will see me...
I have a 145 and mine never stinks and i am one of those guys that gets BO pretty darn bad... if you are talking about smell there is no way I would go with Synthetic. I have a couple synthetic shirts and I can smell myself after literally half an hour. I will only ever wear merino. I always wear a 125 merino t under my 145 though so that could chamge things...

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The bear stink not withstanding, as you cannot really avoid situations like that, are you guys noticing a smell with just the Kuiu camo merino? To Aussie-bowmans previous post, I wear merino specifically for the lack of scent. My icebreaker and smart wool solid layers, as well as my camo Kryptek layers, never seem to have any smell to them, even after days and days in the backcountry. I'm wondering, have any of you noticed odors with FirstLite, Sitka, or other camo brands?
I'm wondering, have any of you noticed odors with FirstLite, Sitka, or other camo brands?

My camo FL stunk as well, but only when it gets wet.......sweat, rain, etc. Even after washing in the washing machine, I thought the sewer had backed up inside the washer. KUIU was the worst, but I haven't noticed it at all with FL's black and dry earth colors. We're not talking body odor here........we're talking sheep odor. Not sure why the solids aren't bad.

The camo KUIU was so bad that I had to take it off an hour into the morning hike. That one was a combination of sheep stench and a strong chemical smell......activated by sweat it seems. I can wear my FL or even Red Ram solid color shirts for a week straight and not notice anything.

The funny thing is......when I first saw the title, I didn't think an actual bear would even be involved in the discussion......that's how bad it is.
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I don't personally know what a wet sheep smells like, but if I had to describe it to someone I would wet my shirts and give it to them to smell. My two shirts are pre Nuyarn 145's. I have a Sitka 1/4 zip that is pretty good but not perfect. My Kuiu ones are almost intolerable, and likely the reason why they were for sale used. I wear them treestand hunting with no problems, but active hunting, look out if your down wind.
Be careful with merino and regular detergents - it can strip the lanolin off the outside of the wool.

Rock on.

lanolin is something the animal secretes, so unless your rubbing your shirts against a sheep or applying it as a wax it's not on your shirts for long
This First Lite Merino is not off to a great start...Just purchased multiple layers of FL. Ran through the wash and the wet wool smell was strong. I have merino wool sweaters that don't smell like this when wet—they don't smell at all. After air drying the new FL, the scent is still there—this is not ok. I ran a deep clean on my washer to kill any mildew/mold/bacteria interacting with the wool. Running them through the second wash now. I may treat with enzymes, rinse'm, hang dry, and let them sit on ozone. Hopefully, I neutralize the stink. I won't wear these if I smell like wet wool, complete defeats the purpose of this "tech" gear.
I recently read an article about fabrics retaining odor. It was discovered fabric softeners were the culprit. Fabric softeners leave a residue that binds the odor molecules the the fabric. I know you all aren't using the scented softeners. I was using Downy® Free & Gentle™ Liquid Fabric Softener and stopped adding this to the wash. My UA and other performance shirts stopped stinking after a couple washes after eliminating the softener. Might be worth a try if you are using any fabric softeners.
I recently read an article about fabrics retaining odor. It was discovered fabric softeners were the culprit. Fabric softeners leave a residue that binds the odor molecules the the fabric. I know you all aren't using the scented softeners. I was using Downy® Free & Gentle™ Liquid Fabric Softener and stopped adding this to the wash. My UA and other performance shirts stopped stinking after a couple washes after eliminating the softener. Might be worth a try if you are using any fabric softeners.

That makes scents :)

I too 'am noticing the distinct smell on the Fusion garments rather than the solid colors, I'm suspecting the dye may be the culprit.
If charcoal and ozone don't get it done for you, you may consider throwing it in your freezer for a couple days. I haven't done this personally, but I have heard that guys who prefer not to wash their jeans (for looks) get the stink out of them by throwing them in the freezer. From a scientific standpoint, it makes sense. I know it's safe on cotton, I have no idea about merino. I would guess it's fine, and it's the cheapest option by far.
I recently read an article about fabrics retaining odor. It was discovered fabric softeners were the culprit. Fabric softeners leave a residue that binds the odor molecules the the fabric. I know you all aren't using the scented softeners. I was using Downy® Free & Gentle™ Liquid Fabric Softener and stopped adding this to the wash. My UA and other performance shirts stopped stinking after a couple washes after eliminating the softener. Might be worth a try if you are using any fabric softeners.

THANK YOU for posting this. I stopped using fabric softener about a year ago, and I never really realized or made the connection that it could be why my clothes don't get smelly as easily and don't retain armpit smells between washings. Please post the article if you can find it again.
One of my solid color merino shirts (Cabela's original brand) I've had since 2007. I use it every elk season for at least a week and it has never had any smell to it at all. My base merino bottoms that are the same Cabela's brand that I've had since 2007 as well, finally gave up on me last year. The holes were larger than the fabric that was left on them, but both have been washed many many times and never smelled. I only use Sportswash detergent and I don't think I've ever even seen fabric softener.

My Icebreaker and Minus 33 solids are fine as well.
THANK YOU for posting this. I stopped using fabric softener about a year ago, and I never really realized or made the connection that it could be why my clothes don't get smelly as easily and don't retain armpit smells between washings. Please post the article if you can find it again.

I can't find the original article I read. I was noticing my Under Armour shirts were retaining odor after being washed. I wore them under my vest while on patrol. This was more noticeable after the garment was warmed by body heat. I quit using the fabric softener and it made a huge difference. Also found that drying in the sun also helped. the two articles below sorta describe the same issues I read before.

The Truth About Fabric Softeners | Stop Letting Them Ruin Your Clothes
When to Skip the Fabric Softener...And What to Try Instead | Laundry Care
This may sound crazy but try adding a bit of amonia to the washing machine after it fills with water. My wife got sick of my stanky workout clothes and her mom suggested this. It works amazingly well. No smells left behind, this was after I had repeatedly tried washing with oxy clean and baking soda and drying them in the sun.
FYI, I haven’t tried it on hunting clothes yet but I will after packing critters this fall.
Good luck
Every piece of merino everything I have own has had the stank after I washed it... it's just a wet animal smell because well... it's a wet animal lol
Wet wool, natural cover scent. Doesn't really matter, if you're downwind you should be fine. Do deer and elk fear chanel #5 or human smell, do they equate perfumes with humans or can they pick out the human scent from all the others?