Kowa Stuff!

Sorry guys,

Life got in the way there.

Kowa needed them back, so I have sent them off. I am working on a couple of articles.

I will expand greatly, but here is the spoiler:

1. The SV series 12X50 is similar to many budget high-mag bins. OK resolution and contrast. Plenty of CA even in the center. Lightweight, less robust build quality.

2. The Prominar bins are big, heavy, and have a very good image. The design is hampered by a lack of tripod exit.

3. The spotter:

The Prominar 88 with the 25-60 WA provides the best image I have seen in a spotter. Extermely high resolution, awesome aberration correction (particluarly AMAZING CA correction!). However, when price is no option, I would choose the ATX over the Prominar. The ATX has equal resolution, and an "easier" viewing eyepiece. The ATX shows more CA than the Prominar, but it isn't excessive, and the other design features of the ATX make up for it, IMO.
What do u remember about fov and any distortions? I'm curious if the atx would remind me of the ats/m as definitely a swaro product so to speak? Do u remember distortions between them? Pin cushion vs barrel? Assuming u have had time to compare to the ats/m? We need more fellow gear junkie....ie r u used to helical focus and thus preferred it to traditional focus, weights would be good too, u had the best the world makes together and u know what to look for...u holding out on us? ;)
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Distortion was negligible with both WA eyepieces. When I looked for it I could see pincushion in both, but the Swaro had a touch more. I do have a Rokslider's ATS 80HD with the 20-60, and that setup shows noticeably more distortion.

On the focus, I can get along fine with either. Swaro has pretty much nailed the helical, and Kowa's version of the dual traditional focus was very well done.

Sorry Stinky, that is all I have for now. Gotta save something for the final product. ;)



Ok, I wait patiently

Will it be chalk full of technical on image? I'm expecting weights/prices too? Good ole swaro has a serious scrap on it's hands it by looks of it! Over the years my opinion on pretty much all of the high end swaro I've seen in el's and ats/m hd etc I've felt t was good gear just incredibly overpriced and can be equalled with way less cash and bettered with similar cash.....big picture of course...slc's excluded, they fit their price point much better IMO, still a bit high but not rediculous like el or spotters. I can see already a viable and possibly even more versatile solution to say an atx 65/85 combo would be having both a 66 and 88 kowa prominar, have less weight and better optical performance....for less money too...so I'm already almost convinced ill end up reading the same story thru the lines but still, I cannot wait to see the works when done Matt! Without more this is where I'm stuck...how much longer? :)