Knee pain

Broken Arrow

Mar 5, 2012
Grain valley, Mo
Been back from Colorado for over a week and my right knee is still hurting. I don't think I twisted it or anything damaging while in the mountains? Anyone else have issues after hiking for several days?
Could be a multitude of things.
Me, I've sprained and torn just about every ligament and tendon in my knees, but what kills me is the arthritis. So close to fifty that I'm starting to be seen as "The Old Man" at work. :)
It could also be hurting from just plain old over-use. Try RICE and see if that helps.


Good luck!
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I feel your pain Broken Arrow. At 58 and Knee surgery last winter i was wondering how my knee would do. I spent 28 days out of Oregons 30 day season backcountry hunting three different wilderness areas. Now I should note that I am a retired FF/Paramedic and hike 3.5 miles a day as well as workout daily. But with that said I had good days in the field and bad days in the field. Honestly there were days where i didnt stray to far from the bivy site hunting wallows or easy hunts to rest the old knee. Overall i didnt baby it very much and it did well when it came to packing 80 pounds of elk meat. My biggest issue is after knee surgery i have develped arthritits which really sucks. What are your symptoms with your knee? My pain was all around my knee cap which was a torn miniscus. If the pain continues i would suggest starting with your family Doc. He or She will then x-ray your knee and then likely order a MRI. That will tell you where you stand. Sorry for the pun.
Just got done from week long hunt and right knee is still swollen. I have had a couple surgeries on my right knee, the last one was micro fracture 3 years ago. Was told by my Dr. that it was a temporary fix. I will probably need a total replacement in about 15 years. There is no cartilage left in my right knee so all the jarring of packing with heavy packs really causes my knee to swell. I ice it and elevate it for a few days and pound the ibuprofen. Good to go after about a week.
I have had tendonitis after packing an elk out before. Rest and ice it for a few weeks, then take it slow with getting active again. Your knee will tell you when it's ready to go again.
I aggravated my IT band the second weekend if the season. Most likely from hiking down into a canyon with all of my camp gear. I rested it and iced it for two weeks. And I mean completely rested it: no biking, hiking, or even going up or down stairs. By the last week of the season (my vacation week), I was fine. Didn't have a flair up or anything. Funny thing is, like you, I never "felt" the injury. Walking downhill was an absolute killer.
It hurts going up more than down. Been 3 weeks now I think? Lol
I've been to the gym 3 times trying to get some cardo in and last time I jogged 4 miles on a hill setting paid for it the next day! It's really bumming me out because I just stopped doing anything lower body wise. It is stiff and sore every morning till I get moving then it's just sporadic during the day. I've never had knee problems before.
The pain is right under the bottom of my knee. The first week it actually hurt to touch it. In the mountains both knees hurt like an sob! Down hills with a load were absolutely brutal! And stepping over downfalls with my right knee was excruciating!
Is the pain on the front of your knee below the knee cap? If so it might be your patella tendon. Most likely really sore.

I went to the orthopedic doctor last month and got MRIs done. Got a torn acl, torn meniscus, and possibly some arthritis in my right knee. Leavin for Colorado in 12 days lol. Luckily I will have a horse to help eliminate some walkin. Havin surgery when I get back...

Good luck with it buddy. Take it easy for a week or two and see how it feels. If it still isn't right and has fluid building up, you might wanna get it looked at.
Sounds a lot like the patellar tendonitis I have right now. Hurts like the dickens especially going uphill, but really hurts all the time. Ice massage makes a ton of difference for me. Don't just put ice on it. Rather massage it with ice when your knee is completely straight. You can actually put a little pressure on the top of the knee cap in that position and displace the patella a bit toward your foot. That opens the distal patella up to ice massage. It has helped me a ton. Also, check into eccentric exercises once the soreness is gone to prevent it turning from tendonitis to tendonosis (chronic form). Go easy on it. I decided to go for a seventy mile bike ride when mine was starting to get sore...real stupid move. The ice massage is making tons of difference though. Hope it gets better soon.
i had very similar pain. going down stairs at my office was painful. the pain was always there. i saw my doc, and she asked if it hurt going down or up. apparently "down" is better. ???

i'm a KP insurance person, so getting an MRI takes some serious squeeky wheel BS. my doc xray'd it. i asked WTF? she said you can see "spacing" from an xray and know if an MRI will be needed. ooookkkkaaay!

she redeemed herself when she told me to start riding a bike, and to temporary stash away my running shoes. the cycling movements saved my knees..i am virtually painfree. no meds, no ice.. now i ride everyday, and jog very occasionally. i also make trekking poles on long downhills a rule. i will pull them out to take just that little bit of load away from my knees. everytime (no exceptions) i go down stairs, i think about my knees. it is always on my mind. sucks.

one day, i expect to derail. :D
she redeemed herself when she told me to start riding a bike, and to temporary stash away my running shoes. the cycling movements saved my knees..i am virtually painfree. no meds, no ice.. now i ride everyday, and jog very occasionally. i also make trekking poles on long downhills a rule. i will pull them out to take just that little bit of load away from my knees. everytime (no exceptions) i go down stairs, i think about my knees. it is always on my mind. sucks.

Spot on.

I have had both my knee's reco'd and as much as I love running, it is not a good move, whereas cycling eliminates the shock factor and increases muscular strength throughout the whole leg, which in turn helps support the knee, I strongly suggest giving it a go, and not just on a stationary bike, get out on the roads/trails, great for hunt conditioning.

Good luck.
Sounds like tendonitis of the patella tendon. Try a chopat strap. They sell them in sporting goods store a lot of times. Its basically a velcro strap with some kind of rubber thickened section and is worn below the knee that applies pressure to the tendon and will alleviate the pain over time. I get it playing raquetball a lot. It takes me about two weeks of consistently wearing the strap to clear up the pain.
I have issues with my IT band on my right leg. It produces soreness right below the knee on the outer part of my leg. Best thing to do is get a foam roller and stretch it out or have someone massage it out. Be warned though it hurts like a SOB to do this but it will help you out a lot. Make it part of your training by adding in stretching.
Sounds like tendonitis of the patella tendon. Try a chopat strap. They sell them in sporting goods store a lot of times. Its basically a velcro strap with some kind of rubber thickened section and is worn below the knee that applies pressure to the tendon and will alleviate the pain over time. I get it playing raquetball a lot. It takes me about two weeks of consistently wearing the strap to clear up the pain.

If you guys have sore patella tendons, stretch your hamstrings and heels cords well and regularly. I had tendonitis years ago and my orthopedic surgeon drew a diagram and showed me that when your hamstrings are tight, your leg doesn't fully extend with each step, and that puts more stress on your patella tendon, especailly when running or jogging. I started stretching regularly and my tendonitis went away. Tight hamstrings can also cause lower back pain.
My knees feel great. Jogging squats packed a small but whole whitetail out on my back just for kicks. But I've been researching knee strengthing exercises both preventive and therapy type. Hoping to avoid this next year! Thanks for all the advice.