I have unsubscribed from the same companies email multiple times and still get crap from them. They have lost my business forever. Text seems to be more effective in stopping the spam.Almost every company has abandon cart and abandoned browsing emails being sent automatically when you are on their email list. All you have to do is unsubscribe. There is no need to block anything. You may seem annoyed but it's a vital marketing function to recover sales.
If you are subscribed to texts, all you do is reply STOP. That goes for literally any marketing text message you get. It automatically unsubscribes you from the text list.
Same with seeing ads on socials after visiting a website. None of that is being personally sent to you by the company. That is a common misconception. META (Facebook/Instagram), Google, Youtube, etc. use algorithms to show you things you are interested in. The company pays for this, but it's an extremely important marketing tool.
Companies that don't do these things will not survive long with the amount of competition there is.
Just my two cents.
I have unsubscribed from the same companies email multiple times and still get crap from them. They have lost my business forever. Text seems to be more effective in stopping the spam.
To me, it comes across as desperate. I will not change the customers in my business, and it really is off putting when a business lowers themselves to chase me as a customer. It lowers their reputation in my eyes.
I never logged in to their site, nor did I put anything in my cart.Or maybe, just MAYBE don’t log in or put something in the cart unless you’re going to buy. Mind frickin blown.
Nearly every company does this now. It takes 5 seconds to unsubscribe from any email list
So, you use thePro tip: If you use Gmail for your email you can add a +something to any username and it will go to the same inbox, e.g. if you are [email protected] (or [email protected] if anywhere.com is served by Google Business) you can do [email protected].
You can use this to track who is selling your address and to whom. Every new vendor I deal with, I will do [email protected] or similar when checking out or setting up an account. If I start getting spam from an unknown source I can tell immediately who sold my address, and I can set up rules that block all email TO that address from then on, even if it's sold to new "partners." Sometimes those third parties are worse than the original vendors.