Kifaru pack question


Oct 29, 2014
Caldwell, ID
I am currently researching for a new pack and really like the idea of a Kifaru pack but had a couple questions. I am looking at the Mountain Warrior series and am wondering about hauling meat. From what I have read, these packs are the ultimate haulers but has anybody wished they had a meat shelf of some kind when hauling meat? I like the idea of the meat shelf on the Exo or Stone Glacier packs. With the Kifaru, it looks like you would have to empty all your gear out to pack meat since it's a top loader. Just curious on your thoughts if it's not that big of deal or maybe I am overthinking it. I love the fact that Kifaru has so many accessories for their gear. Thanks for any input!


Oct 12, 2012
North Dakota
I'm a "meat in the pack" kinda guy. I love the MW because all my day gear goes in the front pocket leaving the rest of the pack for meat. IMO you're over thinking it, but I'm sure the "meat shelf guys" will disagree with me.
Mar 15, 2016
Boulder, Wy.
the mountain warrior is a awesome pack, you could separate it from the frame and run meat between the bag adnframe if you wanted, but i do agree with what others have said, put it in the bag, be done with it, its really no different, to use a meat shelf, or put in the bag, the bag is going to get blood or dirt one way or the other, put the meat in a contractor bag after cooled down, pack the bag correctly haul meat, if multiple trips are necessary i guess thy will be necessary...

hauling meat will be the least amount of time required of the bag, hauling all your gear and what not for day hunts or pack in trips will be the most demanding on the bag.

with that said i just recently got the mountain warrior and it is so big, and capable, most people cannot haul what its capable of hauling...


Apr 26, 2015
Meat shelves sound great until you decide to use them. A couple big bags of dog food in my SG 5100 made me sell it and buy a Kifaru AMR. I don't want to hunch over just so I don't fall over backwards. Meat in the main bag on extended trips, or go with a bat wing style pack for day hunts (I use the MR Crew Cab).


Oct 29, 2014
Caldwell, ID
Good point wasatchcomm. I could fill the pack with meat but probably not even move it. I currently have an Eberlestock Blue Widow and I haul meat inside it and like it, I just wasn't sure about the meat shelves on the other packs. Thanks for your input guys!


Oct 3, 2013
OR Hunter back in Oregon
The SG and the MW get you the same place. You load it flat and put the rest on top. Despite all of its wonder, the kifaru frame is not near as stiff as the SG frame because SG has crossbars. I have loaded both and the SG just takes longer to mess with to get it taken apart and put back together. The good thing about the meat shelf may be the that the meat is breathing and weeping blood out while you are hauling. If you put it in a bag like a MW, I think the only way to go is a 35L dry bag. Now you have meat sitting in a closed up bag with blood likely in the bottom. Anything close to 100lbs about kills me, so either one kicks my ass. I am an amateur compared to some of these guys, so take that for what its worth. I know lots of guys haul sept elk in bags and have no problems.
Mar 15, 2016
Boulder, Wy.
I currently have an Eberlestock Blue Widow and I haul meat inside it and like it, I just wasn't sure about the meat shelves on the other packs.

i too had a blue widow. had some great hunts with that pack but it does not compare to the duplex frames for hauling weight.
i really considered the tahr bag cause of the meat hauler, gumbo makes a great point, the nomad would be a great all around bag, i could see it doing whatever you want. add a big dry sac, fill it with mentor use a grab it.may be a good day any time pack
i just got my MW so i was curious and just compressed it down with all the straps,,main bag empty, with a guide lid and the front pocket stuffed, it packs down so small and compact it really is impressive, and how big it can be and haul weight.
love the frame and the bag
Apr 29, 2015
Littleton, CO
I have a 22 Mag for day hunting and have been testing out ways to haul a first load back to camp. I bought one of the discontinued meat hauler kits off of a member on the Kifaru Forums and after comparing it to simply using a Grab-it I much prefer the Grab-it. The meat shelf caused the bag to sag a lot whereas the grab-it kept the meat tighter to the frame and since the weight from the meat isn't passed on to the bag there is no sagging. I don't have a picture with the grab-it, but here's with the meat shelf:
