Kifaru ...not sure what to say

Jul 30, 2013
I finally received my Kifaru nomad and bikini frame last friday... I have to say when I unwrapped it I was a little surprised. the frame and suspension was interesting to me. I felt the shoulder pads and thought man those are kind of thin, and the belt was a little floppy and the lumbar pad was thick I was worried how well this pack would really ride. I then started to notice the amount of craftsmanship that was put into the pack. every stitch was exactly where it should be, no missed bar tacking no run out lines, no excess fabric. I was impressed. I threw my day hunt stuff in it and a couple water bladders to add to the weight and went for a late night stroll. I was amazed at how close the guys at Kifaru had gotten it setup to my body type. it actually was nearly perfect. I like a little more shoulder gap and have quite a thick chest so I added about a 1/2 inch and it was spot on.

I was happy so far with how the pack rode and was going to put a lot of miles on it during the weekend. I loaded the pack with 70 pounds and headed for a 5 mile loop trail that I hike often. one thing I noticed was I built up quite a lather in the lumbar area and had some concerns with slipping in that area. so I hit the trail and the experience I had was unbelievable. not only did the pack ride incredibly well it never slipped... never. it actually felt like it was more secure after the first couple of miles.

I chose to go with aluminum stays in the bikini because I had never even seen a Kifaru much less tried one on. I personally like a lot of lumbar and have a fairly large back and a large backside, so I normally bend all stays in any pack I get. I bet I could get away with composite stays as the bend in the aluminum was nearly spot on. before my Sunday trip I put a slight bend in them to bring the lumbar pad a little more in and square it up perfectly. it literally feels like the lumbar is sewn into my back. I have never had a pack fit me this well. especially with very minimal adjustments.

Sunday I did 10 miles with 50 in the pack and could not be more pleased with how it rides. the only downside I see to any of this is I will have no reason to look for another pack. I do plan on adding a few more bags to the inventory though;)

the mandrake pattern is amazing and I really dig the contrasting OD Green. it remains to be seen how much I will like the nomad, but so far I really like the feature.

now to the real reason that I am writing this review. I have never experienced a more genuine, knowledgeable and helpful staff. as we all now Aron is second to none as far as customer service goes. I talked his ear off numerous times last summer about packs, never once steering me in any direction but just giving me his honest opinions. ArmyJoe. you were great when I put my order in, walking me through the process as a new customer and answering any questions I had while mixing in some hunting chat while we went through it. and finally Angie. she was awesome every step of the way. even when I wanted to change something about my order or check in on it. no one ever got frustrated at answering a question that im sure they have heard hundreds of times before.

I finally understand why everyone yells praise constantly on this site about Kifaru. it really has nothing to do with wanting to be in the in crowd or an Elk Reaper fan boy. its because of an American company that has great people and provides an amazing product. Kifaru you have my business now and in the future.
Thank you,
Eric Keller
:) Angie is the best. Glad to hear your initial thought, easy to see it isn't a fan boy club once you actually try the product. Be careful though, their gear is very addicting.
Took my bikini frame out for a weighted hike yesterday for the first time. I havent taken the time to actually adjust it to me but it still rode incredibly well and stayed put. Ill be holding onto mine for a long time. Or until they come out with the next latest greatest Kifaru frame lol
Yup, hard to tell people how good kifaru packs are without sounding like a fanboy or car salesmen :cool: but they really are that good. On top of that the company is top notch and back their products.
As my daughter would say.............. Well Duh!!!!! =-) Absolute 150% Love the folks at Kifaru. If you have never had the chance to Meet Patrick and the rest of the staff Youd do yourself a huge Favor to make a trip out and meet and chat with them. And if you can make it out to Colorado during the Colorado Rondy You can share a 24 man Tipi and Stove with Patrick staying up till 3 am drinking Bourbon and talking about life and logic and everything under the sun with him. The man has my deepest and most thoughful respect. Never met a more genuine and heartwarming crew of people in my life. Yep Im a Fan and Proud of it.
I finally received my Kifaru nomad and bikini frame last friday... I have to say when I unwrapped it I was a little surprised. the frame and suspension was interesting to me. I felt the shoulder pads and thought man those are kind of thin, and the belt was a little floppy and the lumbar pad was thick I was worried how well this pack would really ride. I then started to notice the amount of craftsmanship that was put into the pack. every stitch was exactly where it should be, no missed bar tacking no run out lines, no excess fabric. I was impressed.

This is EXACTLY my impression when I first opened mine a week ago. I've only done a short, light hike and it's been fine, but not tested. I'm hoping to get a heavy hike in this week, but mowing the yard, changing the oil, night flights and some fishing are getting in the way...

But absolutely the same on everything else. I changed my order a bit, mid-stream and Angie was great and their willingness to help and answer questions is just incredible. Service sells, and their service is awesome.
There isn't many companies that I feel I can recommend their products without hesitation but Kifaru tops that very short list. Not only are the products performances second to none , the quality , service , and made in America part is great too. Incredibly knowledgeable and pleasant to deal with. I'm not the least embarrassed to say that I'm a Kifaru fanboy because they've earned my adulation.
Kifaru customer service is incredible as is their product. Aron and Angie were excellent and patient when I flip flopped around picking a pack and changing my orders.
Does anyone know off hand the hours the store itself is open. I recently got everything for my pack, and am a rookie at dialing it in. I am heading up on a scouting trip in a couple weeks and thought about stopping in early on that Friday morning but need to be efficient with my time.
First day I got my bikini and t1 I loaded 45 of steel in it and about 10 extra in bulk around the weights like coats and sleeping bag... A few strap pulls and what not I was on my way up mt peak in enumclaw (1058 elevation gain 1.1 miles) not super intense but when it's the first time hiking with weight like that and not being used to it I figured go bigger or go home. Made it up and down no problem and no soreness! Truly am impressed with all my kifaru items
I agree completely, An American company with a great product and an awesome staff!

On my 3rd year and I still love my pack!
Does anyone know off hand the hours the store itself is open. I recently got everything for my pack, and am a rookie at dialing it in. I am heading up on a scouting trip in a couple weeks and thought about stopping in early on that Friday morning but need to be efficient with my time.
You need to call and make sure someone is going to be there. As I understand it they don't always have someone in the office who knows pack fitting and can give you the tour. I hope to be able to swing by myself this fall on my way out to hunt.