Kifaru mollee

Dec 22, 2017
All over
Anyone remove mollee from their bag? Tips in doing so? I love my 44mag but the mollee is excessive on the back. I only mount my Claymore in 1 place so I don't need all that and it's atrocious to look at in my opinion. Thanks in advance
I haven't on that specific pack but your best bet is a seam ripper and maybe some scissors to cut the ends. Fair warning, you'll probably end up with a bunch of small holes where the stitching was, some seam sealer should solve that problem though.
I've removed the pals webbing from (and added a few webbing tabs) a few Kifaru bags over the years. Most recently, I removed all the molle webbing on the sides of an AMR bag only leaving the 4 pals matrix tabs for adding spotting scope pockets or belt pouches. Zero issues after the removal.

Just use a surgically sharp blade (think Havalon type blade) and go slow. Run the blade down the length of the stitching on the top side of the 1" webbing. It should "open up" and allow you to pull the 1" webbing up through the bar tacking stitch line. Then remove all the left-over stitching from the inside of the bag. Easy Peasy......