Kifaru Auxiliary Gun Bearer?


Jun 1, 2012
On one of the 7 continents….

I just ordered up a new 7k Highcamp and Bikini frame with assorted pockets. The Kifaru auxiliary gun bearer looks like a good solution to strap my rifle on the pack. I'm just wondering if its compatible with the Highcamp bag attachment points? If not, then I will use medium pocket to put the butt of the rifle in and strap down with the compression straps or maybe sew on an attachment point purposely for the gun bearer. I do like the looks of the quick male-female buckle that comes with the gun bearer. Anybody have any experience with this system?

I prefer using the medium belt pocket for the butt of the rifle, and the compression straps to hold it down.

If you like the buckle option, you can just swap over the K connector with male/female buckles.
I ordered one w/ my DT1 because I've used the universal Gunbearer on several different packs. I think it's the finest way to strap a rifle that I've seen.