@Tony Trietch - for transparency, please share if you are affiliated or "compensated" by Kifaru in any way, shape, or form. (I intentionally put the quotation marks around compensation to avoid any wiggle room; that can be defined as financial, clothing, packs, frames, hunts, etc. - basically anything to gain.)
Of course he is, he had the frame last season. I'm awaiting some "unbiased" reviews but extremely unlikely it will give me any reason to switch from the duplex lite.
I am not sure if they sold out of the first batch of them or not. Did you call or email customer service?
Got ahold of them. They're starting to ship them out soon. I wasn't sure if it was going to be a couple month wait and stop holding my breath but it looks like they're on it.
I’ve owned three different Kifaru frames to date. The tactical was by FAR my least favorite. But good luck with your sale haha. It’s good at what it was designed for…hauling stupid heavy and awkward loads

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I wouldn't argue with that. That frame NEEDS to be loaded heavy other wise it feels like a sheet of plywood. Which is why I'm excited for that ARK frame to ship, and glad that they made it backwards compatible with all of their bags.